Sunday, September 03, 2006

8 Examples of Strange Animal Behaviour

Nile crocodiles, although physically and morally capable of killing humans, are tender guardians of their own babies. Newborn crocodiles average 28 cm (11 inches) in length and weigh 100 grams (3½ ounces) - tempting prey for a wide range of predators. To protect them when they emerge from their shells, a mother crocodile delicately picks up the hatchlings with her deadly jaws and slips them into a pouch inside her mouth. Then she carries the chirping babies to the water where they are greeted by a roaring chorus from the adult males.

The female gastric brooding frog (Rheobatrachus silus), which flourished in Queensland, Australia, until its recent extinction, swallowed her fertilised eggs, transformed her stomach into a uterus, carried the developing tadpoles in her stomach, and then gave birth to fully formed young through her mouth.

Aphids produce a sugary excrement, which has come to be known as honeydew, by licking the leaves and stems on which it has fallen. But some ant species have learned to gather the aphids into their nests, feed them, and then when the ants are hungry, to stroke the aphids with their feelers so that they produce the honeydew, which the ants then drink fresh.

The female mite known as Histiostoma murchiei creates her own husband from scratch. She lays eggs that turn into adults without needing to be fertilised. The mother then copulates with her sons within three of four days of laying the eggs, after which the sons die rather quickly.

Female cuckoos deposit their eggs in the nests of other birds, who then incubate the eggs and raise the offspring until they are able to fly away on their own. Curiously, each individual cuckoo mother chooses the same species to adopt all of her children and is able to lay eggs that resemble the eggs of the foster family.

As soon as they mature sexually, male angler fish begin a desperate search to find a mate in the dark water 6,000 feet below the surface. As soon as they locate likely prospects, certain species of angler fish attach themselves to the females - literally. The male latches on to the much larger female and never lets go for the rest of his life. In fact, their vascular systems become united and the male becomes entirely dependent on the female's blood for nutrition. In exchange, the male provides the female with sperm.

Several species of tree ants in southeast Asia have evolved a bizarre method for building their nests. While one brigade of ants holds together two leaves, another brigade grabs hold of ant larvae and squeezes out of their young bodies a sticky thread that is used to hold together the edges of the leaves.

Ichneumon wasps are the sort of beings that inspire horror films. At the worst, an ichneumon mother picks a victim, usually a caterpillar, and injects her eggs into the host's body. Often she also injects a poison that paralyses the victim without killing it. When the eggs hatch, the wasp larvae begin eating the caterpillar. Because a dead caterpillar would be useless to developing wasps, they contrive to keep the unfortunate victim alive as long as possible by eating its fatty deposits and digestive organs first and saving the heart and central nervous system for last.

Taken from "The Book of Lists" by David Wallechinsky & Amy Wallace


Anonymous said...

Incredible but true?
Weird with a capital -W-E-I-R-D-?

So you see guys im not so weird after all!! XD! *-*

"God created all of humanity to be equal and yet each individual is unique, why should the animal world be any different."
- Jaspreet Singh Kwatra -
- 2006 -

Anonymous said...

i can answer your question jaspreet. because God showed so much more attention and love to humanity. ;) haven't you heard that we were created in God's own image?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... interesting!
This is really one good blog :) *thumbs up*
And er.. I'm not a student of yours, Mr.Jaya.. my friend introduced ur blog to me actually :)


Anonymous said...

Hmm.. perhaps it might happen to human too.. i remembered there was a case where the embryo came out from a uterus, but then the baby still lives due to atachment of the plasenta and if that is the case, izzit it possible one day for guys to get pregnant as well? or mayb perhaps a genetically modified fella..

Anonymous said...

It wasn't so much a question as it was a statement explaining the diversity and "weirdnes" if you would found in the animal kingdom.
And yes you are right to say that we were created in God's own image but (at least in my beliefs) so was all creation, as in God created EVERYTHING in his likeness for God is everything and all encompassing. XD!

Anonymous said...

aaah but jaspreet, that would depend on what you define as God's image now, wouldn't it?

oh welcome jac! nice to know that my students are passing the bio fever around. ;) feel free to comment and give your feedback ya.

and mr/ms anonymous, i'm assuming that you forgot to put down your name and am allowing your post. if you're reading this, please introduce yourself to us all and don't leave anymore anonymous comments. as for your qeustion, no it's NOT possible for guys to get pregnant because it involves far more than just placenta attachment to be able to get pregnant and actually give birth. :)

Anonymous said...

intersting blog...
may i add to the list.
SALMON fish.
the fish will return to their birth place to spawn. on their way back, the are known to swin against the water current, meaning that they will swim up the river and some cases, literally up, jumping up the water fall too.some of the fishes would not be able to make journey as they will die on the way. normally, their spawining areas are very shallow. once they have lay their eggs, they will die so that when the eggs hatch, the baby salmon will have food to about that? talk about mother's love?

Anonymous said...

ms/ mr anon.
a baby in the male body is impossible simply because there is not space in the male anatomy to carry them. secondly, body will reject any foreign object place in them, as this case, plasenta and the baby are the foreign objects. it is not in the female body as the plasenta is found in the female body and babies are conceived in female bodies, so they are part of it. thirdly, baby can't 'breath' in the male body as the umblical cords can't be connected. finally, God doesn't design man to give birth.

Anonymous said...

wow...thanks for the contribution khaichung. the salmon is indeed amazing. by the way, let me introduce you to the rest. students, khaichung is a good friend of mine from UKM. he's doing his phd now. :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I should probably ask my bio lecturer to create a blog too :)

O_o phd? Whoa..

Anonymous said...

Whoa! PhD.! Permanent head Damage! XD! *jokes*
Anywys Hello Mr. Kaichung. I am Jaspreet Singh Kwatra (**duhh**) I am the proud student of Mr. Jaya's Bio Class. :D!
Hey Do you friendster? Add me at...
or visit my blog at...

God Bless!

Anonymous said...

jac, you're not a KDU student?

Anonymous said...

jaspreet, advertising on my blog ah?

Anonymous said...

Nope, I'm not a kdu student. And er.. don't think it is wise for me to tell which uni i'm from.. hehe :)

Anonymous said...

Haish mestilah ckgu! XD!
Good things should be shared right? :)

Anonymous said...

so you're in uni then, jac? ;) anyways, hope this is just as enriching for you ya.

Anonymous said...

Yup, in uni :)
Looking forward for your new posts.. hehe

Anonymous said...

hi... permenant head damege ah? let me say, Permenant Hair Displacement aof ts i found it most of the time on the floor now and my head getting lighter everyday. :P...

Anonymous said...

hahaha...the hair displacement one is a good one khaichung!

Anonymous said...

Well hey hair loss isn't really such a bad thing!
(*irony* coming from a guy with 3'6" of hair!)

But hey Mr. Kaichung (can i call you Mr. K like in MiB?) You didn't answer my Q! Do you friendster? Blog maybe?

Anonymous said...

Sir, is it true that the male sea horses hatch the eggs in their pouches for the females?

Jaya said...

yes it is true.

Anonymous said...

Thanks sir. But my former Bio teacher doesn't know that. T.T

Anonymous said...

hahah...can't expect anyone to everything. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, can understand lah. He knows EVERYTHING about plants & gardening.