Wednesday, October 11, 2006

More videos!!

Can't remember if I posted this one but here it is anyway. Some good videos here. I wonder who Mrs Balling is though. ;)


Anonymous said...

Sir !!! lol first time i enter here ler after so long , sowie , btw the things in here helps alot , thx alot :D i hope it isnt too late though :) take care sir n thx again for evrythin in here :)

Anonymous said...

welcome back james. glad it helps and no it's never too late. as they say, it ain't over till the fat lady sings. so somebody gag that fat lady quick!!!

Anonymous said...

I am singing... too late...

Anonymous said...

anonymous fat ladies don't count!

Anonymous said...


Thats all I have to say


Anonymous said...

does a fat boy count? cause i m singing negaraku now...
shoot, i am doomed!

Anonymous said...



James what happened la? WorldOfWarcraft server crashed izzit? :P

Anonymous said...

HEY EVERYONE! [especially Mr Jaya :)]

ok i know i'm not supposed to be here, but this blog is SOOOO COOL!!!!!!

I'm not a science student anymore, is kinda fun to get reacquainted with all this. I hope u guys don't mind. In case u don't remember me, Mr Jaya, i'm the girl who sat in on your class the other day a long time ago, with kayz and manjuli and all. Neways, i will most definitely bookmark this blog. thanks! ciao!

Anonymous said...

hi shalini. welcome back to the science world. ;) and what do you mean you're not 'supposed' to be here? it's the world wide web remember. anyone can be anywhere, if you know what i mean.