Monday, January 08, 2007

Meiosis manimations

Stages of meiosis:

Independent assortment:

Meiosis vs Mitosis


Jasper said...

WOW! Two posts at once!? You do work fast! Sir i find that these animations and such that you post on your blog (along with your lectures of course) are significantly easier to comprehend than the textbook. Why is that? You do cover the entire syllabus in class yes? Is it possible to study bio with nothing but the blog and your notes? would it be advisable?

P.S. Please do not be offended if it seems that i am questioning your teaching methods. I merely want to clarify thing for myself. :)

Anonymous said...

the animations and this blog are meant only to supplement the books and help you understand processes and concepts that the books talk about. the stuff here may miss out on important details (such as key words that are vital to answering your exam papers) which the books supply. no i'm not offended jaspreet. :)

Jasper said...

TQ Mr.J!
TQ Vry Mch!