Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Punnet's square and Pea crosses

Here's the Punnet's square game just for fun.



Jasper said...

I preferred Tetris ...

Or Better Yet ... PONG!

But its better than sudoku i guess ... and crosswords ... Oh well ...

Aa Bb Ba Ab ... (*dum-dee-dum-dum*)

Anonymous said...

wahhhhhhh such a coool game but i have to say bomber man is the best ... lol teacher i dun really noe whats goin on

Anonymous said...

dont worry you'll know what's going on soon.

Anonymous said...

yes teacher we noe ur goin to teach this sooon haha but still bomberman s the coolest anyone heard about that game ?????????

Jasper said...

Bomberman? Mario OWNS Bomberman Upsidedown! ;|



Anonymous said...

you know, i actually finished both bomberman and mario when i was younger. :) so both RAWKS!

Jasper said...

Well in that case ...


N Get well soon. Hope your nose\throat doesn't trouble you too much.

Anonymous said...

i think bomberman is the best it rawks.. much mre cooler than erm mario way cooler i like the bad guys there

Jasper said...

A Prayer ...

Thy great GM ...
May you pls cast Lvl. 7777 Heal Ailment (Inst.) Upon Player Kumar, Jaya (Mr./Masta) - Lvl. 27+ Bio Lec.

May he nvr agro creeps from the germ & viral class.

All of our base belong to you.


The gaming gods will be pleased! ;P

Anonymous said...

jaspreet, you do realise that i have no idea what you're talking about right?

Anonymous said...

ok jaspreet, i had to reject your last comment. must have taken some work but it was too long and complicated things further. didn't see this conversation going anywhere with that comment. thanks ya! :)

Raihan said...

punnet squares!! omg there's a game in this blog

*makes a super sarcastic smile*


that is SERIOUSLY cool. Seriously. Agree Dv?

Heart: Nadia who claims that shes a serious person

Anonymous said...

DotA owns every game's a$$, mario, bomberman and punnet can kiss icefrog's a$$ goodbye...
i still cant believe it was a monk that found this, maybe he has too much time in his hands, next time ima gonna hire priests to prepare my debate speech

Anonymous said...

watch the language on my blog boy!
and nadia, u serious? ahuh...

Jasper said...

Yeah DoTA is cool especially since i triple pawned Shine when he was 'pro-ish' and i was 'noob-ish'.
Plus i (supposedly) had an inferior hero. Yup DoTA owns ... ;P

Mr. J's going soft allowing such language on an educational blog. Shine ;( You disappoint me sorely.

Anonymous said...

the only reason i allowed that comment was to enable me to comment in return that everyone is supposed to watch their language in here! if that's going soft then so be it. ;)

Jasper said...

Sir don't la emo! ;) I was only questioning as to why even allow that comment when it has profanity? Get it? Got it? Don't doubt it!

Anonymous said...

emo? cheh! i'm speechless.

Jasper said...

Yeah i know what you mean. So was i when i got my A-Lvls results. ;/

Oh well you know what they say ...
When the Fecal Matter hits the Rotary Ventilator grab a Hemispherical Canvas Environmental Sheild. ;)
See sir no profanity!

Jasper said...

Why no new posts? ....

Anonymous said...

i was myself wondering how come my students suddenly became quiet. have been busy with you guys lah lately. ;)

Jasper said...

Anywho! ppl can always come visit my blog if you're bored or have nothing better to do ... XD!

Its ...

Lots of artsy-fartsy stuff.

Leave a comment ya! Or at least use the chatbox! Chiaouz!

Anonymous said...

Update blog please....PLEASE?



Anonymous said...

oops...sorry sakun. have been kept busy lately. will update as soon as i can ya. :)

Anonymous said...

okie dokie Mr Jaya!..

sakun =D

Jasper said...

LOL! Okie-dokie! LOL!

I dun know why but its funny ...

Its been like a decade since i last heard that!

Thanks! You made my day!

Haha! :)

blobby said...

me confuzeddd.

Anonymous said...

last week our group held a similar discussion about this subject and you show something we haven't covered yet, thanks.

- Laura