Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Endangered Species Lists

Here are the links of the 2 important websites that we talked about in class for the Application topic. The most interesting parts of the websites would be to actually look at the pictures of the different species.

http://www.cites.org/ (This is where you get the CITES Listings. Go to the photo gallery link on the right and you'll end up with an index with all the different species that are on the list. My favorite picture is the one below.)

http://www.iucnredlist.org/ (This is the link for the IUCN Red List. Click on Photo Gallery on the menu and you'll be able to access photos from the lists of previous years as well.)
Common name: Tomato Frog
Scientific name: Dyscophus antongilii
CITES listing: Appendix I (22/10/1987)
Distribution: Madagascar
Photo: © Franco Andreone [http://www.francoandreone.it/]


Anonymous said...

i couldnt find that corpse plant though.. =(

sure you featured it, sir??

Jasper said...

Haha! LOL! Tomato Frog! XD!

Next we'll find Ketchup Chicken or smthin! :P

My Fav Topic 4 Bio So Far! :)

Anonymous said...

sakun, try looking under "fun".

jaspreet, it's my favorite topic apart from evolution, though i'm not supposed to have favorites. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi sir!! cool web..my fav is d roti snake -necked turtle..hmm i wonder y its called a turtle since it looks like a tortoise...cuz according to wat u told us earlier a tortoise hv webbed leg rite? is it a breed of turtle + tortoise + snake? hehehe..hope u can clear my doubts..n is bread the turtle's fav food? so they add 'roti' to its name.........gees this is really squeezing my brain..well ull b hapie to hear dat rite sir? :P

Anonymous said...

i said tortoise have webbed feet? you sure i said that? :o or the other way round ah?
and i'm not a turtle/tortoise expert lah...so i don't know much about the bread fella lah. sorry ya. but i know some people who are close to experts. ;)

Anonymous said...

okay okay its the other way round..well if turtle's hv webbed feet...i wonder y this turtle looks so weird. it's feet luks like a combination of tortoise n duck's feet heheheh..sumthin wrong sumwhere...:P

Anonymous said...

the frog reminded me of a red crab... an image of a dissected frog also popped into my mind... :|

Anonymous said...

foooh the tomato frog isssss soooocute and adorable ... lol wish i had it as a pet ..but then again wouldnt wan my dog t die of a heart attack .. he gets scared easily .. lollol lolteach just to let u noe .. kruznev accidentally poked himself with the syringe today dun ask me how.the teachers told him its the first time anyone has ever done that in taylors .. how embaressing ... imagine a syringe haha but hes okay no loss of blood or anythin .. he misses u .. lol

Jaya said...

aiyoh puva now i'm confused. hahahaha!

m&ms dont lah think of dissecting the cute fella!

kayz, i think the 107 group misses your bro too. tell him we're still waiting for his visit here.

Anonymous said...

now u know my situation!!!...this is y i dun think much, if i ever do..ill cum up wif critical questions :P i really wana know bout it..else ill get a nightmare of roti snake- necked turtle for my whole life...so i wana research more bout it..hope i can find sumthing...wish me luck sir..roti snake-necked turtle here i cum...

Anonymous said...

yes ah yeha i noe shakthi misses him a looot . lol they keep contact.. ill let him noe about that ...i wonder whether u fellas will miss me once im done here .. hmmmmm ..

Anonymous said...

u noe a picture of the endangered vulture would be very nice tooo ... haha its critically endangered sumemore ...and its sooo cute .. in india theres this thing where people from parsi believe tat they should leave their dead bodies to be eaten by the vultures .. im serious.. its true ..its part of their culture ...

Anonymous said...

hola,kruz here.how is life.i really miss ur class.take care

Anonymous said...

hola kruznev here . yeah i miss u too and the jan intake but we r keepin contact . im missing jaspreet so much... so so much ..i dint aids dun worry .. the syringe is disposable. yay.. ill drop bye sume other day teach u take care of urself

Anonymous said...

ok you can get a picture of the vulture over here: http://www.rdb.or.id/detailbird.php?id=302

hey kruznev, welcome back. ;) glad you survived your syringe episode.

puva, glad you found the info in the end. :)

Anonymous said...

yay next step mr jaya put the vulture as the main pic in ur blog.. seriously i think im gettin bored of that lizard hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

heehee.. dun worry.. i wont dissect cute little froggie.. ^^

Anonymous said...

Yay!!!finally...Ive found d info bout d 'roti snake-necked turtle'.Well dis turtle whose scientific name is Chelodina mccordi, is mostly found in the roti island of indonesia..with a long neck that extends from it's body and resembles a snake...so thats y it is given d name 'roti snake-necked turtle'.C.mccordi lives in freshwater lakes, and also on the mesic inland highland plateau in swamps, rice paddies and irrigation ditches.The average clutch size is said to be 8-9 eggs.The eggs are oval and similar to those of Chelodina longicollis.Incubation period is about two months....The sad news bout this creature is that..In 2000, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals categorized this species as "Critically Endangered" and in the same year the species was found to be put for illegal trade and this is slowly contributing to it's demise :(...I'm terribly moved by this news..anyway I hope that the one's responsible will take steps to stem the illegal trade of this species and preserve it from extint in the wild.

Anonymous said...

wow thanks puva! that's the kind of comment this blog needs. i didn't even know that there was a roti island in indonesia.

Anonymous said...

No prob sir!! yeah it's weird to know that indonesia has got such an island..one day i wish i cud visit that place..n c dat turtle by myself :P ill send ya a pic if i get to find dem k...chill

Anonymous said...

yes i love pics. :)