Thursday, March 29, 2007

Velkomin! means "Welcome" in Icelandic. It goes out to the new intake. So, velkomin class of 307! Leave a comment here so I know that you have no problems accessing this site and I hope it'll be helpful in your studies or revision for every chapter.


Jasper said...

Yeah! N My Own personal shoutout from the 306 to all ye brethren of the new March intake!

Ya'll better be respectin this here blog belongin to this here Bio lec.

And ya'll beter be rememberin who youse here seniors be!

Peace Out Ya'll!

Anonymous said...

hi mr jaya!!
that's a really cool pic. did u design it yourself?

Anonymous said...

hey hi dhivia. it's been a while eh. and no, i didn't design that pic lah. ;)

'ey jas-p, you be trippin now? don't be messin with 'em freshmen aight!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Jaya.
what. the. heck. is goin' on around ere..

Ahem... Anyway.

Oh my gosh, it has been a year d.

I still remember Mr Jaya's first class. His 3 golden rules. I broke 2 out 3 so far


- Don't be late for class. If late must give explanation.
- No handphone must ring in class. Have to answer outside of class and stay outside after that.
- Interaction; between student and lecturer.

Hahahaha... Its still fresh in my mind...

Jasper said...

Word' Mr.J
Whatever you say dawg.

I aint trippin no-more.


Anonymous said...

hahaha...glad you still remember nadia. hey yeah it's been one year hasn't it...feeling nostalgic...! still remember when you people came in all wide-eyed and innocent. things have changed. ;p

Jasper said...

Wide eyed and innocent eh?

Actually i was surprised y'see...

Its not every day that you meet a guy a whole head taller than you y'know... XP!

Plus when i was in high school i tot i was big...

Ah and the three rules... Have i ever broken them? I don't think so...

Anonymous said...


Excuse moi sir, we still are innocent as ever. =D

Take a good look at your 307 class sir. btw any cute guys in there ar? LOL

jkjk... studies first. seriously.

Anonymous said...

hhmmm..i'm starting to wonder what happened to my 307 group. still haven't found their way here. instead i got my 306 group getting all excited in here! :p

Jasper said...

Its called loyalty...

Get used to it coz im not leaving anytime soon...


Anonymous said...

WELCOME to the new intake!!

Anonymous said... i in the wrong blog again!!?! Where's everyone...lolx

Anonymous said...

hi adrian. dont worry you're on the right blog. :)

Anonymous said...

Hehehe hey Jas it seems like forver man..Hi sir! n Hi to all 307 frens..welcum to KDU n welcum to the world of bio..1 simple advice 4rm ur senior dun ever break the 3 rulez k..else ull b punished severely! ;P tc hope u pplz will hv wonderful time learning bio as we guys do..chiowz!!

Anonymous said...

that's good advice puva. ;)
but did i ever punish you guys? *looking wide-eyed and innocent*

Anonymous said...

Shh sir dun reveal the secret!!!

Anonymous said...

hehe! too late.

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha! didnt know there was a special shoutout place for march intake.. lol


Anonymous said... long d lah. ;p