Friday, April 13, 2007

Wildlife pictures

Want to know what this picture is all about and who took it? Go check out


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures,sir!
I found the pictures on the octopus and the frog real interesting; wouldnt wanna watch a snake eat a frog though....kinda depressing and sad, doncha think so??

Anonymous said...

i've actually fed a frog to a little cobra that entered my house. sort of like a bait to catch the snake. snakes cant do anything to you when they have their food in the mouth. ;)

Jasper said...

LOL! More proof that Bio Teachers are Sadists... Bet you watched every second of that Cobra's silver platter of an offering! >;P


Anonymous said...

yeah, the ultimate weakness of a snake!

you fed a frog to a lil cobra? sure it wasnt one of your brothers who fed the frog?.... XD

Anonymous said...

harlow! my bros are more scared ok. they dont even dare touch a dead snake let alone feed one that's alive. and yes, i watched in amazement. ;)

Jasper said...

LOL! K-Towners are a bunch o' wussies! 'Cept for you of course! ;D

P.S. Don't let Masta G know i said that! LOLz! Our Secret ok? ;P!

Anonymous said...

ok oklar, sir, i believe you!!

and sir, ive added your blog add to my 'links' list in my blog, hope you dont mind. If you want it to be removed, plz let me noe, i shall do so!...

see ya tomoro!!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

hey don't be messin with da K-towners. we stick together u know! ;(

and sakun, i don't mind the link. others have already done so on their blogs too.

Jasper said...

Yea but when the spider enters the snake pit it is the spider who should beware! When the K-Towner enters PJay youse just better remember who own the joint! Muahahahah!

*I love playin gangsta wif Masta J coz he looks so much like Bachan Sr.*

"Apun-ko kya Mamu bernanha chate ho? Kaiko chaap paanne?" XD!

Hey i agree with drsk where are al you whipper-snappers?

Anonymous said...

i was debating whether or not to allow your comment jaspreet cos i dont understand hindi. i'm gonna trust you to keep it clean.

Jasper said...

Just to put you at ease Masta J...

Direct translation of that quote is...

"You wanna make a fool out of me? Why are you always asking for a slap?"

Heres a bit of a dictionary too...

Apun = Slang or rough hindi for me for the male person (female = Hum)(Apun-ko = to me or for me).

Mamu = old fool or foolish uncle.

Kaiko = slang for 'why' or 'what for'.

Chaap(jhaap) = slap or similar.

jo said...

bachan? lol. he's just tryin to butter u up sir.. cos ur marking his trials papers.hehe..
but since we're on the topic of sucking up.. i must say u look waaaay better than bachchan ji. hehe..:P

btw jas.. its BACHCHAN.

ok aaaaanws..coming to the point.. sir.. will the application topics come out in essay questions?

Anonymous said...

wow hi jo! been a while. in fact been so long that i cant remember the last time u left a comment. to answer your question, yes there is a possibility that the application topic could come out in essay. scary i know.

jaspreet, thanks for the translation. so now you wanna slap someone?

oh and btw, bachchan or not, by now you guys should have known that your buttering up don't work on me. ;p

Jasper said...

[jo] So I'M the one doing the buttering eh? ;-\
The only thing i ever bother buttering up is toast! And might i add that there is no resemblance between the former and Mr.J. XP!
Besides like the man said... It don't work. (i think Mr.J is more of a margarine person ;P!)
P.S. OOps! Sowie Mr. Bachchan and fans...

[MastaJ] NOT ME LAA!!! Its a dialog that Mr.B did in one of his movies (Sarkar(Enforcer/Boss) i think). So its not me who should be doing the proverbial 'slapping'. *note: i said "proverbial" so no funny ideas aight? ;)

Oh and good luck jo! (not that you need it you straight A's of a girl you! XP!)

Oh! and sorry for the messy handwriting on my paper sir! -_-" Still not used to liquid-paper deprivation. (shouldn't matter though once I'm a doctor... ;P)

Still no sight of the other 07 intakes.... Dunno how to use computer izzit? ;-/

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness so violent!

I'd rather watch Saw 3. HAhahaha..

Oh my goodness jo said you're better looking sir. Lol....

I stil have A LOT to learn Master J

Blog content I would like to apologise, many swear words, in there i know

I confuse myself with yoda language. hahah.

Jasper said...

Mind your 'Feelings' young padawan...

They do you credit but can be made to serve your enemies...

Anonymous said...

Bachchan Sr...What is it that you do to them? You mind zapped them is it? Bachchan hilariously farnee!!!

Jasper said...

Sir what happened to your 'rule' of no anonymous comments?


Anonymous said...

oh it still applies...i know who this is! ;)
ms leena, see what you caused! ;(

Jasper said...


Mysterious (and Annonymous) Miss Leena!

Well maam no Mr.Jaya has NOT mind zapped us or anything... Its just that i find Mr. Jaya to bear a (very vague) resemblance to The B from Bollywood. (Due primarily to occasional facial hair styling and his apparent and substantially tall stature)

There that should clear up some things for ya! ;)

"Jeh Apunko pahlwaan ho, Te phir Sarkar ko thora ka 'Protection' bhi dhenha pahangee.."
-Sunjay Dutt in Lage Rahoo Munna Bhai-

Anonymous said...

translate jaspreet....TRAANNSSSLLAAATTTEEE!!!

Jasper said...

Direct translation...

"If I'm to be the 'Bodyguard' then i have to at least provide some protection to my 'Boss' don't i?"


Anonymous said...

Mr Jaaaayaaaaaaaaaa....

No more bio classes... sob2...

Very sad, this padawan learner is gonna miss ur lectures. Ngeheheh! [i feel weird saying it. Hahahah]

Come la sir, play Counter Strike with the rest of the guys. ;-) Who knows I can tapau yu kaw2 sir!


Anonymous said...

i'll be missing you guys too nadia. and i thought we were playing CS today? do feel free to join us and you can lepas all your geram by shooting me down the countless number of times you're gonna be given the chance to.

Anonymous said...

Hey sir, never hesitate to drop by my blog once in a while! People hardly come by these days. Hehehe. But I hope you don't mind the content because you DO know that most of them aren't mine, especially the pictures. Ngeheheh.

I won't forget to visit ur blog too in the future sir, bio still fascinates me you know! ;-) [I don't bodek2 k! =)]

Jasper said...

LOL! Sir looks like were similar on gaming grounds too! XP!

Good tip: Get James AND Shine to be on your team... If they are on your opponents team avoid them at all costs.

If James & Shine = Enemy
Therefore Seeing James OR Shine = Death.

Oh! and aim for the head! ;)

Anonymous said...

i enjoyed the CS session but i must admit after a while i was getting dizzy. and yes shine and james are real good!

nadia, just to let you know, i always visit your blog. ;)

Anonymous said...

oh ya sir! i forgot to tell you this, i went and checked out the link about the wildlife pictures abt 2 weeks ago. i pity that little frog that almost got eaten by that.... small... snake.

my personal favourite was the last photograph, the one which the photographer used microscopic lens. the pic is soooo cool. =) science is fascinating.... up to a point. Hahahah...

and why didnt you say that you visited my blog? at least leave a comment or msg at 'sir-talk-a-lot' k sir!

Jasper said...

Mr. Jaya never leave any comments one... So many times ask him to visit my blog never leave comment oso... :(

Anonymous said...

i'm always the silent visitor that lurks around, keeping track of the going-ons but never wanting to interfere. ;)

Jasper said...

in other words he just doesn't know whats going on so just keeps his mouth shut... ;P

Acting smart it seems... >;D

Anonymous said...

no need to act! ;)

Jasper said...

says u!