Thursday, June 14, 2007


So it's time to say goodbye. To those who have finished their papers and to those who will be finishing on Friday, I bid you adieu. Take good care of yourselves and remember your Creator in your youth ok. Make sure you keep in touch and come visit this blog or mail me and tell me what you guys are doing ya. Don't forget to pay me a visit when you come back to take your results. The 2 new songs are for your listening pleasure. ;) Wishing you all the best!

706, I'm missing you guys already. So come back quick! :)


Jasper said...

I'll still be messin with you in class sir...

Surprise surprise! Im gonna join the July intake! ;P

You cant get rid of me that easily! >;)

Anonymous said...

still wondering if that's a good thing or bad... ;p

Jasper said...

LOL! Touche' amigo! ;)

Anonymous said...

lol its bad mr jaya i noe im evil but pls mr jaya just once just once lol

Anonymous said...

i pity u mr jaya good luck lol with the new class lol

Nadia said...

Hi Mr Jaya.

A levels is over, catch you later on august 9th.

I'm gonna work part time as a tutor [WTH?!] now.

Wish me luck.

Bcos I need a lot of patience when it comes to tutoring your own YOUNGER BROTHER

Anonymous said...

just once for what kayz? and why pity me with the new class lah?

nadia, you'll be teaching your younger bro and you'll actually be paid? wow!

Anonymous said...

its not easy teaching ur own bro la sir...and even if im being paid to teach my brother, i wouldnt do it willingly, unless, my dad gets me a black 2-seater BMW XD

..and we all know thats never! :(

Bye guys...GOOD LUCK TO Y'ALL!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sir!! finally u did mentioned us in ur msg...v dun feel that u'r 'anak tiri'kan us anymore edy kekeke.well v miss u too sir..hope to get back in class wit u soon..but jus thinkin if it's gona b the same bio class we used to hv; cuz sum1's joining us :P I think ur gona get head ache more often .

Jasper said...

i pity nadia's students more...


Anonymous said...

hey puva, i never anak tirikan you all lah! you people only feel that way. ;p

jo said...

Oh dear..sir,ur gettin jas for an extra six months.. what a.. errrmm.. blessing?
hehehehe.. kiddin jas.. have fun.

Jasper said...

[Mo-jo-jojo] Don't rub it in k? You.. you... smart person you! ;P

Anonymous said...

Hahaha jus jokin la any idea how our class is gona b like after dis holidays?

Anonymous said...

holidays are boring!

Anonymous said...

class is gonna be hectic after the holidays, puva. and ulwy, are you sure your holidays are boring? ;p

Anonymous said...

hey mr jaya lol eh isnt it a pity lol gettin jaspreet for 6 months lol straight . lol but am missin everyone now haiz lol take care everyone lol love u guys to bits

Jasper said...

YES! Finally classes have begun once more... Cheers Ulwy on that accurate observation... ;)

Holidays Sux!

Anonymous said...

what's with everyone giving jaspreet a hard time ah? leave the boy, i mean man, alone!

Jasper said...

LOL! Thanks Mr. J but its aight...

They just playin'


jo said...

lol. sorry jas. u knoe we just messin w ya.

Anonymous said...

but mr jaya u just called him a boy and not a man lol u too u too lol

Anonymous said...

hey mr jaya big smiles :):) miss u people lots

Anonymous said...

everybody missing each other already huh. ;)

Anonymous said...

lol yea everynes missing each other wait were u tryin to tell me sumethin lol hmmmmmm ?????

WeiLinz said...

Uh...miss us???
Yeah rite....u only missed bullying us =.=''''

Anonymous said...

wei lin, how could you say that? *looking innocent*

and kaiz, 'siapa makan cili' ya. ;)

Anonymous said...

lol mr jaya i dun get it lol seriously lol

Jasper said...

LOL! She never does get it does she? ;P
And even when she does it "sounds wrong"...

Isn't that right kayz?

Anonymous said...

lol well if it sounds wrong ill say it sounds wrong lol. seriously mr jaya whats with the cili lol i need to noe lol

Anonymous said...

ok enough you two! and the only chillis that you need to worry about kaiz is the one you owe me lunch at. ;)

Anonymous said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NEVA ULL NEVA FIND ME LOL am currently hiding sumewhere lol in afghanistan lol where no one will ever find me .. teacher me got no money lol and plus am grounded have mercy ... puppy eyes look lol

Anonymous said...

hahah...ok ok... you're spared! now go study...that's the reason you're grounded right? ;)

Anonymous said...

lol YAY lol oh yeah i just noticed one thing mr jaya u said march 06 group ur missin them a lot .. how about the jan 06 group ??? ur not missing us lah

Anonymous said...

i havent got an answer for that is anyone goin to give me an answer well am still waiting for the answer though lol

Anonymous said...

hahaha...i miss everyone lah kaiz. july 04, jan 05, mar 05, jun 05, jan 06 and mar 06. ;) happy?

Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lol we r all missing u too teacher really missing u ... :)

Unknown said...

>>sir..y din u post information for our debate????

>>v really very very headache bout it la !!!

>>n it's getting nearer n nearer !!