Thursday, June 07, 2007

X-ray crystallography

Hey March o7 guys, this one's for you!

X-ray crystallography was invented in the 1940s, when scientists first used the wave nature of the X-ray as a tool for finding structure. It was this technique that enabled Watson and Crick, in collaboration with Rosalind Franklin, to propose the structure of DNA molecules in 1953. The basic principle of X-ray crystallography is simple: make a crystal from the purified protein (a discovery that in itself won the 1946 Nobel Prize in Chemistry), cast an intense X-ray beam through the crystallized protein, and use the acquired image to determine the structure. The determination process involves a complicated series of mathematical formulas that ultimately result in a three-dimensional map of the molecule.

- taken from Yale Scientific (an article by Liang Wang)


Anonymous said...

oooooohh yay im the first to leave a comment here yay lol i think i noe this lol ive read it sumewhere before

Anonymous said...

hahaha...congrats kaiz!