Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Expeditions to explore!

View from Sharon's Cascade, Mammoth Cave NP::© Raymond Klass Nikon F100 Fuji Provia 100F
Oh I almost forgot this website! Haha...dear students, I can only hope that the enthusiasm rubs off on some of you at least. Viva la BIO!!!


Jasper said...

Actually sir its Viva la Bios...
(with an 's' in Bios)

Remember most Italian words are spelled and more often than not pronounced ala Latin-esque...


Oh and BTW nice pic. and website... =)

Anonymous said...

haha...viva lah bios then! ;p

jo said...

hi sir!
i hv a some stupid question for u. haha
u knoe tht show "little ppl,big world" , both the parents r little ppl but some of their children r normal.
hw is tht?
lol.. i dun really remember my genetics chapter too well..haha. sorry sir..but the parents should b like homo recessive rite.. then hw come some of the kids r tall?
u hv to answer these questions it's interfering in my tv time.. hahaha..

jo said...

btw.. i hv two answers..
one.. its not a genetic thingy or something like tht..
or two..
the children r adopted..hahahah..

Jasper said...


Very funny sir.. lah Bios indeed...


Anonymous said...

maybe these sites can help:


from what i gather, there are various causes of dwarfism. so the genes being passed on or not will depend on the cause.

Anonymous said...

oh and jo, it's nice to have some intellectual questions going around over here. :)

Anonymous said...

ooh.. i like the froggy pic fr that webbie.. it looks as if its askin 'what do ya want?' =P

Jasper said...

Grammar IS an intellectual facet of general intellect...

Intellectually speaking of course...


P.S. Hey jo! Wassup? Gimli fan are we? ;P

jo said...

oh the second link is so cool!haha
thnx sir
chup.. we all hv this gene? then all us normal sized ppl r homozygous recessive? isit?

oh and heya jas.

Anonymous said...

if we're talking about the cause being the dominant allele, then yeah, i guess we're all homozygous recessive.

Anonymous said...

.. haiz reading it just brings tears to my eyes sniff sniff.. jooooo i miss u .. waaaaaaaaaahhhh .. hie jo :D

Anonymous said...

Oh they do enjoy your blog entries...sigh...wait..wait...uwek...sorry bout that...

Anonymous said...
