Tuesday, September 25, 2007

House keeping!

You can see how bored and sedated I am as I sit in the office without classes from the fact that there's no intelligent posts on the blog but some minor additions here and there. Anyways, don't miss the little addition right at the bottom ya. It can be scary if you stare at it long enough! ;)


Jasper said...

That clock thing is sick....

Where do i get one? >;P

Anonymous said...

hello!! :)

Unknown said...

it really scared me..
y put dis kind of "clock" on ur blog???
later no1 visit ur blog..

WeiLinz said...

Stare at what?the venus fly trap?the clock ticking?or the brain avatar?

Anonymous said...

aiyoh...wei lin, i was talking about staring at the clock right at the bottom of the page. scroll down and see. and if anyone wants to get one they can go to the website stated there.

Jasper said...

This thing is cool...

Sad too... 1 abortion every second? All those adorable little babies...

Flipsyde feat. Piper - Happy Birthday

Thats a song. Listen to it.

Anonymous said...

Mr Jaya! You got the clock on here! Looks like you boredom paid off in a way.. Haha. I luv it!

WeiLinz said...

Why do i wanna get a clock on my bloggie??
Timing when i am gonna die?no thank you~hahaah...i rather not know....lolz...

Anonymous said...

something always happens when i don't have classes. ;) and wei lin, if you knew you were going to die at anytime, you'd be prepared.

WeiLinz said...

Hohohoho~i wish to die also....hope to soon~
Lol...jaspreet posted the clock on his bloggie too...he's ur NO.1 fan man...hahaha...
i jz posted cooked dead crabby pics on my blog~

jo said...

whoa. that clock is too cool! i dragged my bro all the way upstairs to look at it.. hehe

Anonymous said...

haha jo, you actually did that? :) but yeah it's really cool. i was pretty shocked the first time i saw it too. and i think it's a good reminder about the real condition of this world. so let's all post it on our blogs...hahahaha!

Jasper said...

Woi! Where got i put the clock on my blog?!

Harlow fan oso fan la but not fan-atic ok!


Yo yo yo Its ol Mo-Jo Jo-Jo. Whaddup couz?
Hey ya'll i just posted up my latest piece on my blog. My first novella. Check it out! ;)

Anonymous said...

alamak! advertising on my blog pulak budak nie!

WeiLinz said...

lOl....hahaa....that is jaspreet...luckily i nvr advertise here...or else mr.J will wanna charge us for advertisement fees lolz...

Jasper said...

Hehe I only advertise once in awhile coz i know Mr.J wont mind... Right Mr. J?

Lagi pun bukannye selalu kan? kan? ;P

Anonymous said...

yeah...maybe i should start charging and make money out of all these advertisements here. :p

Anonymous said...

OMG! 20,000 over species extinct??

Anonymous said...

scary huh? :(