Thursday, November 29, 2007

What smart are you?

Ever wondered why you learn or pick up certain things very quickly but when it comes to certain other things you're a slow learner? Well, maybe this test can help you find the reason. Try this test by answering a few questions and discover your area of intelligence. Then maybe you can adjust your learning style to suit your intelligence.


Jasper said...

one word... Interest...

Cant do math well... never could... coz i don't see the point of it... Cannot learn something i see as useless.

Yes i know it has its uses just wish we'd actually learn them. *shrugs...

Anonymous said...

interesting :)

Anonymous said...

:) it's not as simple as that one word jaspreet. some people have all the interest but no aptitude and so still cant learn no matter how much they desire to.

Jasper said...

Oh no sir. I disagree. Aptitude deficiency can easily be overcome simply by the process of learning and practicing itself.

Desire is one thing. You need to put effort into it as well.

"Dreaming hard never made dreams come true even for the most avid dreamer. Working hard however can make dreams recognized even to those who do not deign to waste time dreaming dream." -jskwatra

It is true. Walk into any hospital and just ask a round. More than half the doctors there didn't want to be doctors. They just went with the flow. They did not dream of being doctors. They just slogged through education and got the job.

Anonymous said...

i completely get what you mean but someone once said,"all generalisations are dangerous including this one!" so we'll spare the doctors ya. as for desire and effort, both are equally as important but what i was talking about is aptitude. something very different and separate from both desire and effort.

Anonymous said...

my computer got a fatal error and died when i tried the test... :(

Shine said...

My Econ exam is in 5 hours. I am 60% prepared. I am screwed. Amen XD

I need your blessings, sir!

Anonymous said...

it did ulwy? hhmm...i definitely wouldn't know what caused it. i hope nothing serious.

and shine, my blessings? knowing you, i think you'll do just fine lah.

Anonymous said...

hey mr jaya havent visited this blog in ages ( years ) lol ..i think i did the test when i was half sleepy .not a goodidea . results were sooo wrong :(.. or maybe im in denial oh well lol

Anonymous said...

hey kayz! welcome back. and i also think you were in denial. ;p

Anonymous said...

awww its good to be back sir ... lol and nawwww im not in denial or what if its true :S ... zomg zomg drama drama haha ah well maybe it is hmmm im begining to accept it

zahara said...

nice blog..
found it

Jaya said...

welcome amirah! :)