Monday, July 07, 2008

Welcome one and all!

This is a shoutout to all the newbies. To the June '08 intake for both A Level and UNSW Foundation Year, I would like to bid a warm welcome to the college, to my Biology class and now to my blog. ;) Don't forget to leave that comment that you're supposed to leave, so I know that you don't have a problem accessing this blog.
I wish you all the best for this journey you're about to embark on!


Anonymous said...

Greetings sir! I'm the first to comment again, hehe. I am using the computer at home right now, so again no problems lah. 'Professor' sounds more 'awesome', I think it suits someone who has studied Bio-tech and plants. See you and have a nice day.

Jaya said...

i wonder who school loan is. and hi again maliya! :) professor suits someone who studied biotech and plants? wow imagine what would suit someone who studies space. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hello, sir. Just dropping by to say hello and let you know that I have no problems accessing this blog. Good day to you. :D

Anonymous said...

For the one who studies space, can call him 'alien' lah, haha! Just kidding.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the welcome sir. I'm sorry that I replied late. Currently, I don't have internet at my grandma's home. But I'll try to use the net at the com lab. SAee you tommorow.

Jaya said...

poor fella who studies space, maliya. :)
welcome jo sze and amin! not to worry amin, just as long as you have regular access to the internet to enable you to visit when you need to.

Anonymous said...

hello sir, its me veer from ur biology class.. had no problem getting to ur blog

liv said...

hey there mr jaya...
da juniors killing u yet? But of course...we ARE still your favourite students in your history of teaching,right?=D

Known facts aside. Just wanna tell u dat i'm RM3000 richer now n i can't wait to start med school!

Jaya said...

hey manveer, you're the first among the foundation students. ;) welcome!

li via, don't be naughty! :p and yes i heard about your RM3k from your bro. life's looking up for you eh? i congratulate you! :)

Anonymous said...

alo sir! i am alice from ur bio class..i hv no problem to access ur blog=)

Anonymous said...

Hi sir! i had no prob gettin into dis blog kekekeke ;) gud luck 4 ur new intake n hope they wont drive u mad like us :)

Anonymous said...

oh hi alice. so you have been here. good good. continue visiting ya. :)

and puva, dont be naughty. ;)

by the way, all you oldies know that you're still welcomed here right?

Anonymous said...

im the third! =)
oh,hey sir..
*aneetha was here*


Anonymous said...

yes aneetha, you are. :) welcome ya.

Anonymous said...

hello everyone

Anonymous said...

my my...what a pleasant surprise! :) how are you jin jiun?

Anonymous said...

fine here having study break now then the university exam after this. can see my photos at my friendster :

how's everyone there?i heard ms shirley left =(

Anonymous said...

ok will check out the photos and yes ms shirley left. she's with IDP now. time to move on i guess. study break huh? do you get a holiday after your exam?b

Anonymous said...

yeah going back in august. will reach klia on 22nd.. but will be going to UM straight after that.. participating in physiology quiz..

Anonymous said...

hey that's great. jenguk-jenguk in KDU k. ;)

Anonymous said...

oh, no problem visiting ur blog... ;p

Anonymous said...

hahaha...shang jye, you being naughty ah. ;p i didnt know you also come here.

Jasper said...

Hello siiiir
Remember me?

SOrry for having fallen of the face of the earth. Juuust got settled into my hostel. In Bandung Med Uni now. Fecal quality internet.


Anonymous said...

hahah...welcome back jaspreet! i mean...back to the blog that is. trust everything else other than the internet connection is fine?

Jasper said...

loove the food here
im eating like ala porcus ex grange diaboli* but have actually lost weight! YEEHAW!!!

Plus my lecturer is a German educated guy who cusses in german if u cant answer him!


All in all damn fun la sir
Lots of work
But damn fun

(*latin sir; we learn it try n decipher eh? :P)

Anonymous said...

aiyoh that's too much latin for me to handle so early in the morning. anyways, glad you're enjoying yourself. :)