Wednesday, September 10, 2008

AL608 Mitosis Presentation

The AL608 group did a great job in their effort to present the whole mitosis process as creatively as possible and so here are some highlights of their presentation, including videos. ;)


Fareen said...

This is great Mr Jaya. Looks better in pictures. I have an interesting thought. If you did not label it, I could had mistaken it for the US plan to invade Afghanistan.

Anonymous said...

Sir ah! Very embarrassing lah! I forgot everything during the presentation and I did so badly but you still put it on your blog...

Anonymous said...

hey i promised i'll post it so i did, embarassing or not! ;)

fareen, it's a good thing i labelled it then. hahahah! wouldn't want my blog to be clamped down by any authorities.

Anonymous said...

Hayya~ You could have just put the pictures, not the video!!!
And sir you know, actually we girls also came up with the paper model idea like the boys' one, and we actually have more complicated mechanical stuffs on it. But to avoid repetition, we did the so-called girly-girly wayang kulit one

Anonymous said...

aiseh...i would have loved to have been able to see your model as well. but the wayang kulit stuff were good too lah!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, my voice really sound like that ah? Aiya, hazukashi....

Anonymous said...

strange watching yourself on video, isn't it? ;)
and what is hazukashi?

Anonymous said...

Hazukashi=emberassed, i think :P

Anonymous said...

you mean embarassed. ;) now i know. hehe!

Anonymous said...

Yeah... See our paper model in your imagination, haha.. Also, thanks to Richie and Josze who came up with the idea of telling a story instead of a booorrriiiiinnnggg mitosis.

Anonymous said...

hey! now that looks fun! :)

Anonymous said...

hey sakun, it was! you should have seen these guys.
by the way, how are russia plans? saw and spoke to li via today. :)

Anonymous said...

really? thats nice sir... yea, im going with livia! Im so glad ive got her gng with me... ahahah.. and yea, things are ok,sir. Dads been busy, so, prep are kinda like put to hold. :) will continue friday... will call n let ya know wen im leaving kay, sir? hope to c u b4 i leave!... :)

Anonymous said...

that would be nice. would be nice to meet up with both li via and you before you gals leave.

Anonymous said...

heheh.. yea, i really hope so too.. :)

Nadia said...

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, how come you never made us present about mitosis! =P I remember about our li'l journal of definition, our presentation on the 2 types of proteins, and the 'contraversial' evo debate. LOL! =P

Anonymous said...

that looked fun.. :P

hi sir!! still remember me? :P I saw a pic of u on facebook (of u makin a funny face :P) n decided to come here and say hi! How're u? I miss college la sir..

Anonymous said...

hahah...both nadia's leaving a comment at the same time. that's interesting. of course i remember you, nadia. ;)

and everybody can't present on mitosis lah. if i keep doing the same thing every year, i'll get bored lah nadia.

ok now i'm confused. ;p