Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Water Transport in Plants

This video has a nice little simulation at the end of the water travelling in the xylem vessels up the plant to the leaves. You'll have to bear with the start which is talking about light though.


Anonymous said...

Awesome!!!!! So how does the leaf prevent water from blocking up the stomata? And, do tiny air bubbles REALLY float around like that in the xylems?

Anonymous said...

oh yes, sometimes there are tiny bubbles like that and that's why the adaptive features that we talked about in class are necessary. and one of the ways that the leaf prevents water from blocking up the stomata is by having the stomata at the lower part of the leaf.

Nadia said...

Mr Jaya!

My lecturers uploaded this GLYCOLYSIS STUDY AID for my exams. I wanna share it with you so you can help your students memorise glycolysis and the Kreb's cycle.

There's no link though because it's at the university website and only students have access to such materials in my uni.

Can you please please please pass me your e-mail so I can forward it to you and you can upload it in the blog or present it in your class? =D

[ALSCI306] - In case you forgot which Nadia is this =P

Anonymous said...

hahah...so nice to hear from you nadia and glad you'd like to share this bit of knowledge. my email add is on my profile actually or you can email me at jkumar@kdu.edu.my.

i trust you're enjoying yourself over there?

Nadia said...

Enjoying? It's exam period now sir, everyone's in their rooms cracking their brains and revising. Hahaha.. Perth is nore peaceful and quiet compared to Melbourne or Sydney. It gets pretty boring after a while. Heheheh. How's the life as a lecturer in KDU sir? No interesting stories?

Anonymous said...

life as a lecturer in KDU always provides interesting stories. but none can be spoken of over this blog lah. ;) oh hey, all the best for your exams.

Anonymous said...

Wor~ Stomata are like that~ Now I know. Thanks sir!