Tuesday, December 02, 2008

More controversial body parts

This time it's the appendix. The function of the appendix, if it even has one, has been long debated by doctors and Bio lecturers alike. ;) The conclusion? More debate!

I decided that I'll just provide these links which I think are credible and let you decide for yourself.



Anonymous said...

I like the first link, but do not agree witht the Adam's sin part. It's ADAM'S fault that he ate the fruit, HE was the one who did the bad thing, why should we get blamed? WE have NEVER touched the fruit and don't even know how the fruit look like, how come we get blamed and become sinful too? If we ARE considered sinful, then I think God is VERY not fair. NOT FAIR AT ALL!!!

Anonymous said...

oh wow...didn't expect that reaction. let me explain, but understand that this explanation would be based on the bible.

yes adam ate the fruit and yes it was his fault but because of what he did, we inherited his sinful nature. it's the nature we inherited. then, because of that nature, we ourselves have our own sin which we are responsible for. it doesnt take much soul searching to realise that we are sinful maliya. so at the end, God is still fair.

that's my 2 cents worth.

Anonymous said...

Ok, didn't mean to make you angry, sir. I just don't understand, sorry. Umm, does it mean that those cute little innocent babies are sinful too? I thought we are sinful for what WE have done. It won't be fair if I stole Amin's pencil and my baby gets blamed (if I have one), right? ^_^
Again, I don't want to make you angry, sir, I just don't understand why Christians want to feel sinful when they are not. :P

Anonymous said...

oh no don't get me wrong maliya. i'm not angry at all. surprised but not angry.

as for little babies, i'm not surprised that you would look at it that way. but let me give you something to think about. ever wondered why little children would lie even without learning it?

the reason why we christians 'feel' sinful is because when compared to the glory of God, we fall short of it. so actually by God's standards we are sinful. of course, if i considered myself by a human standard, i'm not bad at all. but we compare by God's standards and so i'm sinful.

Anonymous said...

Even though it was Adam who did the bad thing, it was Satan who persuaded him. So, the one with the sinful nature should be Satan, right? Human being is only PRONE to make mistakes, it's only because of Satan, we commit sins.

And, God is our Creator, He is totally different from us, I don't understand why you have to compare yourself to God. God has created the whole universe, you can't; God can hear what I am thinking, but you can't (hehehe). By comparing ourselves to God, we are just so useless and so sinful that we all should get burnt in hell. And that's sad, right? ;P

Anonymous said...

"By comparing ourselves to God, we are just so useless and so sinful that we all should get burnt in hell". you hit the point with that sentence maliya. what i mean by comparing ourselves to God is that God is the ultimate standard. when we talk about holiness, if i'm comparing myself to another man, i might be holy but still by God's standards i'm nowhere! we can't compare to God and His standards and that's the whole point.

when you say, adam's sin was satan's fault well you're only partly right. we don't commit sin ONLY because of satan. if i may quote the bible it says that "every person is tempted, when he/she is drawn away of his/her OWN lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it brings forth sin." so satan can only draw us into sin if we ourselves had that desire in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, this is getting interesting, but more confusing now. My questions now are: Why do you have to compare yourself with God in the first place? What do you mean by 'holiness'?
And, for the Adam's fruit, you were trying to say that Adam actually WANTED to eat the fruit, after God has warned him?

Anonymous said...

yes i know this is getting interesting but i also think that it's going out of the intended topic so as much as i'd love to continue in this discussion i'm going to put a halt after i've answered your questions. maybe you can email me after this if you have anymore questions?

i can answer your first 2 questions together. to know how holy is holy i'll need a standard. a measuring point. the only one who is holy is God. so there i have my standard. He created us therefore He sets the standards, right? so that's why i compare with Him because He sets the ultimate standard.

and yes, it was adam's own choice to eat the fruit. nobody forced him to do so.

ok after this we take this discussion elsewhere ya. :)

liv said...

Did u know dat we hv 2 parts respectively in our anatomy with da name "cervix" and "cecum"? There may be more anatomical name ambiguities but I hv yet to learn it in my syllabus. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

hey li via! i knew there are 2 'cervix' but i didnt know there were 2 'cecum'. where's the other one?

liv said...

the other cecum is a perforation, located at the anterior ditch region of the skull. We learn all these in Latin. So it's called foramen cecum, located at fossa cranii anterior=P

Anonymous said...

aiyoh, soon-to-be-doctor livia, could you please spare us the latin and tell it to us in english. ;p hahaha...for some of us, our england also not so powderful, how lah to cope with latin?

liv said...

It's no biggie lah, sir. Anyone can handle Latin. Btw, I'm not even close to becoming a soon-to-be doctor. Still way to go and so much to learn. Teachers here are super cranky!!

Anonymous said...

no biggie huh? so you'd prefer latin to cranky lecturers.