Monday, May 25, 2009


After the recent outbreak of meningitis cases in the training academy in Malaysia, I thought it would be good for us to know a bit more about this disease. Here's a video to help. :)


M&Ms said...

when i'm going back to msia thats when all diseases want to emerge -_-
p.s. im using yr animations as a way to revise :P

jaya said...

wow! those animations are still usable for you? eh when you coming back?

i know i need a fresh batch of students when my current students dont appear here. instead i have my old students using the animations and posting comments. ;)

MnMs said...

hahhaha YEP.. some of the animations prove to be useful to assist in my forgetful mind.. easier to understand than words anyway :)
hahahha mayb yr current students busy preparing for exams?
im having hard time with my exams now.. dont rly like chem n process eng.. -_- sumore with lect who cant even do simple math!! seriously..
im coming back end of next month :) then hopefully will get some placement at ukm in july.. they unofficially said ok.. just haft sent confirmation letter