Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Welcome 609 Intake!

To all the UNSW Foundation Year and A Level students of June '09 intake, WELCOME!

Don't forget to leave a comment here and do the Multiple Intelligences test ya.


Angie said...

Hello, Mr. Jaya! I'm Angie Ong here, new student in AL-SCI. Nice to be your student. Have a good day!


lee said...

Hi~Mr Jaya!
I am mun ying~your a-level student.
This is a nice blog~very interesting!

Anonymous said...

Kathleen shouts out

jaya said...

hello everyone, you guys are fast. welcome to my world of biology. ;)

reena said...

Hey Mr.Jaya. Reena here, new student a-level science :)

Anonymous said...

aiman from a-level here

Maliya and Jo Sze!!! :)))))) said...


Mr Jaya,
We are doing the Bio Journal now but we both don't remember a thing about regulation and control. So long ago lah. Must read again. See, we are good students. 1 day after AS finish, we start doing your work. Before we finished, Maliya already told Jo Sze to do. :(

Sorry sir, we are a bit hyper. Very happy to be done with AS. WE ARE FREE! Until November.... :(

Jaya said...

hey reena and aiman.

maliya and jo sze, congrats! ;) looking forward to having you back in class with your journals all done. hehe!

Fu Sheng Wilson Wong said...

Fu Sheng was here!

Indra said...

Hola, Mr.Jaya. Indra here, a level science. Nice blog...

Jaya said...

thanks indra. welcome. :)

Angie said...

Sir, can you please upload our field trip group pictures?? Thanks!!

Jaya said...

sure. give me some time to collect the pics from the other cameras and i'll post it up here ya.

Maliya said...

Waaaa got field trip?? Sir we also want to go... Please bring us to FRIM...

Jaya said...

haahha...yes yes, come back first and we'll see about it. ;)

Anonymous said...

yoyo sir~ kelly's here =)

Jaya said...

hey kelly! and yoyo to you too. ;)

YJ said...

Hi Mr Jaya.. Ying Jee here from A-level (not Jing Yi) lol

Anonymous said...

Jingyi here...!!

A lvl - Science student

E-Man said...

Hey Mr. Jaya. I'm Amril Radzman... nvm juz call e-man from A-lvl Sci. :P btw nice vid u post.. XD

1st time nvr sleepy inside a class :D.. have a nice day~


Adelyn said...

Hey Mr Jaya! Adelyn here, new a-level student. =)

jean said...

hi teacher/sir!
jean here from alvls =)

Jaya said...

ok welcome everyone! glad you found your way here. and e-man, glad to hear that. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,Roxanne here..Love biology so much,my favourite subject among all,haha^^

Jaya said...

hey roxanne, i'm glad you enjoy bio that much. hope your experience in the next 1 1/2 years will only add to it.

Nigel said...

Roar!! What's up people =]
And a very extraordinary blog u've got here, Mr. Jaya =]

Nigel here =p

Maliya said...

Hi sir Maliya was here too..

Jaya said...

hey nigel, glad you found your way and thanks.

oh maliya seems to be everywhere! ;p