Friday, July 10, 2009

Collagen Tutorial

I find the tutorial at the link below very helpful to understand the structure of collagen as a fibrous protein. We can thank Kathleen, Jingyi and E-man for it. I would like to congratulate both groups (Jean, Ying Jee and Adelyn too) for an excellent first effort. Looking forward to the next two groups' presentations:
Group 3 - Jane, Indra and Nigel
Group 4 - Soo Qing, Santhana and Kelly


Anonymous said...

sir, is santhana. u typed wrongly

Jaya said...

oops...sorry about that. corrected it already. ;)

Anonymous said...

sir, when is bio test? is it on weds? reena here.

Jaya said...

yes reena it's still on wednesday. sorry i couldn't make it for class today. will see you guys tomorrow.

Angie said...

Hola!! How are you, sir? Hope you are in the pink of health already. We miss your class so much...hahas! Hope to see ya tomorrow. =)


Jaya said...

hi angie! nice to know my class was missed.
not quite fully recovered but on meds. will be seeing you guys in class today though. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.J. aiman here. i came across this word (cytoskeleton) when going through the structure of prokaryotes. wonder if u could explain further. thanks MJ =)

Jaya said...

hey aiman. actually that is a recent discovery. it has always been thought that cytoskeleton is unique to eukaryotic cells but recently researchers have found cytoskeleton in prokaryotes as well. the function seems to be the same as in it's part of the internal scaffolding to hold up the structure of the cell.

does that help?

Anonymous said...

okay, i'll try to understand that. haha. thank Mr.J.


Nigel said...

I don't quite understand Mr. Jaya..
What do u mean by "part of the internal scaffolding to hold up the structure of the cell"?

Jaya said...

oh sorry nigel, it just means that it's part of the internal skeleton of the cell to give it its shape and help it move.

Anonymous said...

Mr.Jaya, about the bio journal, mine seems to be like a summary or a skeleton of the chapters. for example, rather than defining the organelles, i have tabulated all the info i hav on them and for the microscopes, it's like a page explaining the uses, skills etc. is this wrong? what is the aim of the journal? to help me understand how to go about it. kathleen here

Jaya said...

hey kathleen, the main aim of the journal is twofold:
1. to keep you reading your bio material
2. to provide you with your own last minute reference when you're preparing for you exams later.
does that answer help? anyways, just show me what you have and i'll make comments then. ok?

Anonymous said...

ok, i understand better, thanks

Santhana said...

errrr peeps, wat's wrong with Santhana at the beginning? XD