Monday, July 20, 2009

Trans fat

Photo taken from:

Someone asked me what is the difference between trans fat and unsaturated fat. To answer, I decided to post up some links here so everyone can know.

First of all, we will have to remember what we learnt about unsaturated fatty acids. They have double bonds and those double bonds can cause kinks in the molecule. Now the structure of the trans fat is related to your unsaturated fatty acid. However, they don't have kinks. The following website gives us the idea:

Of course, any reference to food related molecules would not be complete without referring to the FDA website. You can find other relevant information about trans fat here:


Anonymous said...

mr jaya,do we need to do the sucrose in our bio journal?'cuz it is mentioned in the syllabus book

Jaya said...

if it's mentioned in the syllabus book, then you have your answer. :)
by the way, i don't normally allow anonymous comments, so please leave your name next time ya.