Saturday, August 15, 2009

Chromosome Class Activity

AL609, I must say I was rather impressed with the outcome. I trust the winning group (first picture) enjoyed their treat?


Anonymous said...

Mr Jaya, will the coming test involve cell and nuclear division chapter and also the genetic control chapter? kathleen here

Jaya said...

hi there. the coming test will not involve genetic control but will involve cell and nuclear division.

Santhana said...

and when would that be?

Anonymous said...

thank you *sigh of relief*

Jaya said...

you will be informed reealll sooonn. *hint*hint* ;)

kelly said...

are we the most impressive class??
haha AL609 rockzzz =P

Jaya said...

eleh...bangganya! :p

Anonymous said...

eh, i saw two outsiders in the class.

anyway, glad that u both joined as special guests 4 1 wk.

warmest regard, chee

Jaya said...

hhmmm...i dont know if kit mun and trixia know about this blog or visit it.