Sunday, August 16, 2009

Forum on Evolution

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the AL608 class for the efforts they put into making the forum on evolution a raving success. The lecturers (both Ms Chee and Mr Jefri) have given such good reviews on your contribution to the forum and I am so proud to have been able to witness the way you guys confidently handled the knowledge you gained through your thorough research. Well done guys! :)

Sadly, we did not manage to take pictures. :(


puva said...

ehem..hi sir!!!!! hows u? hope ur good as usual..well hope u still remember me N d 706 group :p. sorry for not dropping by for a loong time, quite bz wif studies..(anatomy lect is killing) :).oh ya, happy belated birthday sir hope ur still havin our gifts wif u ;P. gtg nw tc sir

Jaya said...

hey puva! of course i still remember you guys and of course i still have your gifts. i still wear it these days. ;)

amin said...

good. no pics. i hate wearing those clothes.

Maliya said...

Yeah too bad there are no pics...