Thursday, December 03, 2009

Blood Pressure Chart

Here's the chart that I used in class for your reference. Hope everyone's planning a healthy lifestyle after knowing their blood pressure. ;)


kelly said...

when it comes to low blood pressure, does that means that the blood circulation of the body is not good enough? how comes girls often has low blood pressure compared to boys? simply because boys are more active or?

Jaya said...

hi kelly. maybe this article will help you. i found it an interesting read especially in understanding what 'low blood pressure' means in the first place.

Jasper said...

a low blood pressure is also an indication of infection
it is the second easiest way to diagnose a bacterial infection (eg gastroenteritis a.k.a food poisoning) when there is no fever present yet

on another note sometimes a low blood pressure can be congenital (hereditary) [eg. me] or due to very active lifestyles (marathon runners and distance swimmers routinely have lower than normal blood pressures)

some of the reasons men have a higher blood pressure is due to the presence of androgens (testosterone) that indirectly cause the adrenal glans to be subliminally more active (men secrete more adrenalin for longer periods than women) and diet (men routinely consume more salt that does increase BP)

adrenalin promotes muscle contractions (butterflies in stomach n increased heartrate when nervous? thats adrenalin working in bursts on your intestinal smooth muscle and cardiac muscle)

Sodium and Potassium in salt also are essential for nerve impulse and muscle contraction

sorry for the long post, hope it helps

Jaya said...

thanks for that one jaspreet!

kelly said...

sir, i just viewed the article =P
ok now only i knew there are so many causes for low blood pressure =.=
by the way thanks sir and also jasper =)