Tuesday, December 08, 2009


I know this is long overdue but at last it's here! ;) Here's a link to some good info on pacemakers and I've also included some pictures here to help you understand it better.



Anonymous said...

mr. jaya.. just wondering... do we have to fininsh both volumes or just nolume 1 for the past years??


Jaya said...

both volumes friend. :)

Maliya said...

Eeeeks the pacemaker can be seen so obviously from the outside!
(poke poke poke)
Will the guy's haerbeat increase if he runs around?

Jasper said...

don't do them once,
don't even do them twice
do them so many times you know the number of vowels in each answer and the average number of commas per question paper

trust me
i had to learn the hard way...

Jaya said...

good tip jaspreet. ;)

and stop poking maliya!

Jasper said...

curious maliya is curious