Monday, June 07, 2010

Welcome 510 Intake!

This goes out to the freshies from the A Level 510 intake that just came in, especially to the Bio students. A warm welcome and don't be as shy as my previous intake when it comes to posting comments ya. ;p


Priyangha said...

Hey teacher,Priyangha here.I manage to access thorough your blogspot

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr.Jaya! Kimberly here (: Whoaa, there are certainly lots and lots of interesting facts in your blog. I'll definitely take the time to browse through. Have a nice day (:

Jaya said...

hi people. glad you found your way here and glad you find it interesting enough. hopefully it'll be useful as well. :)

Anonymous said...

hey Mr. Jaya. it's AQILA. remember me? great stuffs in here. i'll make time to browse through every single thing. tc. :)

Jaya said...

hi aqila. glad you're here. :) go ahead and look around ya.

Anonymous said...

Hi sir! Maliya here. Long time no see, sir. Hope you're well. =)
Gees, I miss the days when we're piled up with Mr Jaya's assignments.

Jaya said...

hey there. are you sure you miss those days? ;p

Anonymous said...

Sure, sir... I don't lie. *innocent face*

Anonymous said...

Hi Sir! Hillary here.I found many intersting articles and useful link.It very useful for student who study med.I'll take my time to browse it.

Jaya said...

welcome hillary! :)

Ashutosh Pal said...

Hi Sir , Ashutosh here , i manage access your site , its very informative.

Jaya said...

welcome ashutosh! :)

Anonymous said...

HI....sir....lavenia here ... i manage 2 excess your blogspot....nice blog...lots of info...

Jaya said...

hi lavenia. glad you found your way here. :)

Ashween Dev said...

Hi sir! Ashween Dev here. Accessed the site with ease. I havent had the time to brwose through the site though...but based on comments from the others, im sure that this site will be very useful to me. i look forward to immersing myself into the world of science through Mr.Jaya's eyes.

Jaya said...

hey welcome ashween. and be careful, the world of science has a tendency to drown those who immerse themselves in it too much. ;)