Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Anti-Smoking Campaign


Anonymous said...

sir.....its lavenia number cigarettes puff smoked by a smoker to have that amount of tar contain in the lungs a year...

Jaya said...

hhmm...that's a good question. i really don't know actually. :(

Anonymous said...

aaaaaargggghhh!! sir.. so graphic :'(

Anonymous said...

its lavenia......oh....its ok....

Jaya said...

that was on purpose, aiman. :)

Joanna said...

Apparently if you're on a 'one pack a day' regime, you'll accumulate about 8 ounces (1 cup) of tar per year.

This is from a random site I was on a while back ( and they never cited a source. So pls don't take my word for it. =P

Jaya said...

hey thanks for the contribution Joanna! and for the disclaimer too. ;)

Anonymous said...

OMG sir.. thats scary.. its me barbie

Jaya said...

yes it is scary indeed. so stay away from smoking ya.