Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nervous System Quiz

Here are some quizzes on nervous system. Some difficult ones and others easier. I've arranged the quizzes in order from the easy ones to the more difficult ones.






Also, here is an extra link for an animation on the transmission of nerve impulse:



Anonymous said...

hi mr.jaya :) i always wondering how we can get the adrenaline hormone ?

Jaya said...

the hormone is derived from the amino acid, tyrosine. it goes through enzymatic reactions before you get adrenaline. does that answer your question? by the way, who am i talking to please?

Anonymous said...

no no. i mean where can you buy d adrenaline hormone ? heee :D
i'm a masscom student la sir from kdu. i dont think you noe me :)

Jaya said...

oh sorry i misunderstood your question. you can actually purchase them online but i don't think you can get them off the shelves here in malaysia.
and you can still give us a name, even if you're a mass comm student. ;)

Anonymous said...

hmm. thanks 4 da info sir :) btw , im hanna

Jaya said...

thanks for the comment hanna. :)