Monday, June 27, 2011

Regulation and Control Revision Quizzes

Here's a quiz on osmoregulation and excretion:,7052,4243628-,00.html

This one's on blood sugar regulation in diabetics:

This is on hormonal communication:

This one's not a quiz but I thought it would be a good animation to describe insulin and glucose regulation:

This goes out to the 510 group. Hope you guys are studying hard ya.


Anonymous said...

can you explain question num 3 for the first link? i dont understand even though i already read the answer for three times already :)

Jaya said...

hi. the question is just asking where does the filtrate collect after it has passed the glomerulus. :) does that help?

Anonymous said...

oh. Okay sir. it's really help :)

Anonymous said...

nway, thanks :)