Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Vaccination and Herd Immunity

Hey everyone,
Here is the link to some info on vaccinations and the video I mentioned on herd immunity. I think the video is kinda cute.



Jasper said...

Yoyoyo! Masta-Jay
Hows the weather up there? ;-)
the sites still "standing tall" i see?

Jaya said...

hey jaspreet! been a while. :) weather up here is bright and sunny man. and yes, the site will go on as long as i have students. ;)

Shine said...

Haha, Mr. Jaya, your blog is still alive and well, I see.

Jaya said...

hey shine! it's been a long while. too long if you asked me. ;)

Puva said...

Hi sir how hv u been? hope u still remember me ;). I wana thank u for d advice u gave me on the course i should go for..It was really meant for me..did very well in my course n got a chance to do my practicals in Chettinad Health City, India currently ;P. thank u Mr.Jaya really appreciate each n everything u've done for us...tc sir