Monday, January 30, 2012

January 2012

To the January 2012 intake, welcome! Don't forget to leave a comment with your name so I know you have no problems getting here. And don't let that comment be your last comment here ya. Feel free to ask questions if you need to and answer other people's questions if you can.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sir!

-Ritya Vignesh

Anonymous said...

Hi,sir..I'm Yen Ling Torng...hmm...sir can call me tracy..because i think it is easier to remember ^^

Natalie Andrea Ng said...

Hello! NA was here.

Anonymous said...

jia hui here.

Yi Ping said...

Hi Mr Jaya!! first to comment!!

Unknown said...

Hi Mr Jaya, Ram here. Just checked out the blog. Its very interesting :)

Anonymous said...

hello chungyi here

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr Jaya. Keun Min was here.

Phoebe Chua said...

hello Mr. Jaya. awesome blog =)

Nigel Lim said...

Hi,first to comment :).Nigel Lim here.

Yiyou said...


boon chuan said...

i am boon chuan the so called bio rep? hehe =D

cong ying hey said...

This blog is awesome. Thank you Mr jaya for sharing this blog with us. I truly appreciate it. Btw, I have no problem on accessin this webpage. :) regards hey

Anonymous said...

hi,sir.I am Angelis.I manage 2 access ur blogspot,will try my best 2 go through all the post :p

Anonymous said...

Kewl Blog... Done... Seetha =D

Anonymous said...

Hi,Sir..I'm here! I have no problem finding your blog...

By,Xin Ying

Kah Mee said...

Goood morning mr.jaya:) kah mee was here!

Jaya said...

wow! this has been the best response i've ever gotten in one day! :) well done people.

by the way, for those who thought that their comment was the first, ritya beat you guys to it. sorry to disappoint you but the comments here are moderated so they don't appear until i approve them.

looking forward to an exciting classroom experience with you guys. i hope the others find their way here soon.

Anonymous said...

Zhi Bing here.

Muthu said...

Hi sir! Muthu finally here!!

Riwern said...

Hi sir =)

Anonymous said...

hi sir!
im tzyy harng...
if my name really difficult to remember, just inform me^^
actually im the first one comment yesterday...
but i dun noe hw 2 comment by anonymous....
so i hv late 2 comment==

Anonymous said...

I'm here! :D

Lim Tsen Vei said...

Hello Mr. Jaya. The TV signed in here :D

Lim Tsen Vei (LTV)

Yi Min said...

Hi sir!!

Jia Yean said...

Hi Sir!
Cool blog! Especially the widget thingy at the bottom of the page :D
is it real?

Anonymous said...

Hi sir
Yann Xuan here :)

Jaya said...

hey there's more people! yay! yes, jia yean, the widget at the bottom is based on real statistics.

as for names, don't worry, i'll eventually get everyone's names, even if i might have to create nicknames for you. ;)

Anonymous said...

lol !! joey here

Sam Chiang said...

Sam from China just checked in.

Anonymous said...

hi sir! - aina shahirah

Jaya said...

hey joey, sam and aina. glad you found your way here.

Ram said...

Mr Jaya, you asked me to check on the nail and hair growth after death. So here are some links which can actually give answer to that question : a)

Jaya said...

hi ram. those sites answer the question then. nails DON'T continue growing after death. :)

by the way, about the enzymes slowing down a reaction, i've checked and no, there are no enzymes that do that. usually it is the inhibitors that slow down the reactions.