Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Light-dependent reaction

Aaaahh...it's real nice to be in class and back in action again. :)

I noticed that there's nothing on photosynthesis here. So here's one on light-dependent reaction. Found this animation very clear in explaining the process.



Raihan said...

what is that big, brown, ugly looking lizard on your front page?!?!

Anonymous said...

wahh.. ^o^

Jasper said...

Haha! No comments for the last three posts! LOL! But they were all cool Mr.J ! Anywho Why not organise your blog so that your posts are divided into groups similar to our subject-matter grouping for our A-Lvl syllabus? It would be sooo coll if you did! ;)

Anonymous said...

:) that big brown ugly looking lizard is the fascinating galapagos iguana.

jaspreet, the posts have already been labeled according to the A-Levels syllabus. you just need to click on the label at the right side and you'll see the post under that subject.

oh and hi m&ms! ;)

Jasper said...

The Galapagos Iguana is a surprisigly close relative to... IGGY! (Poh Chin's Pet)

Oh and they are a lot like dragons in the sense that they seem to 'breathe fire'. You see they live by the sea and tend to spit/snort out salt from their noses at such sharp blasts that it can cause abrasion on human skin. It also looks super cool in salt snorting pose (almost like bahamut from FF X)

Anonymous said...

thanks for the animation. it helps alot.

Anonymous said...

you're welcome cheri! :)