Friday, January 05, 2007

Evolution debate!

I trust all of those who are involved in the debate are very excited about it? Let me give you more exciting news. I'll have to postpone the debate for the March '06 group to Tuesday (16/1/07). That should be a relief to you. January '06 you're still on for the debate on the 17th. Oh! One other thing...I'm opening the debate to anyone who wants to come and watch. So you might get lecturers or other students coming ya. So you better prepare well!

Here are the websites that'll help:
For evolution
* Check out the Library for articles and People for famous evolutionists. Note in particular people like Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Dawkins, Thomas Huxley, Steven Pinker and Carl Sagan.

Against evolution
* Look under Featured Authors and some of the good ones are Michael Behe, Philip Johnson, William Dembski (I just saw his book today) and Jonathan Wells(the book he wrote that I couldn't remember is "Icons of Evolution").

Happy preparing!


Anonymous said...

heloo teach kaiz here . teacher why r bringing in audience aioh .lol just dun bring other students to witness this debate and thanks for the tips teacher

Jasper said...

YES! Thats the way Masta J! You've read our minds! I think i speak for most of our class when i say that the former due date was a little hectic.

I think i almost downed the Wikipedia server ... [ -_-" ]

Anywho ... C U Monday!

Anonymous said...

dhivia, i sure wish i could tell you that, but i can't because i'm not. :)

kaiz, the audience is to make sure you don't take the debate for granted since there's no marks involved.

and no wonder i couldn't access the wiki. ;p

Anonymous said...

but teacehr we did soo well when we did the powerpoint presentation on translocation and transpiration plus we dint have an audience that time and we dint get any extra marks so why bring in TEACHERS AND STUDENTS ???:( lol haha

Anonymous said...

did soo well, kaiz? *raised eyebrow* you sure?

Anonymous said...

lol we did our best and i must say pretty well as first timers .. lolz .. sir u gotta give us a chance .. but i think with audience comin and watchin us manjuli has gone pretty scared , me too and well practically everyone

Anonymous said...

yes you did your best....ok i'll give that to you. just look at it this way then, there's a first time for everything. so nervousness is good.

Anonymous said...

but im scared teacher im super like supe scared hahahahaha i was dying to say tht i dun noe what to say actually wait wait ill come up with a good answer

Anonymous said...

don't try too hard. :)

Anonymous said...

im still tryin to come up wit a good answer u see teacher it shows im not at debating at all hahaha so how how am i goin to do this watchin debates is one thing but actually debating infront of soo many people hmmm thats scary :(

Anonymous said...

again, there's a first time for everything.

Jasper said...

Kayz is scared? Whoa!

Maybe im to used to embarasing myself to be scared anymore ... ;P

Anonymous said...

why jaspreet cant i be scared ????? lol u dunnoe me one .. haha i may talk a lot but when it comes to things like this im just another ZERO KOSONG EGG YOLK lol

Anonymous said...

I can't access it still there?

Jaya said...

hey rachel. i could access it but it did take a little longer to download the site.