Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Nature junkie

I recently got my climbing fix! Been experiencing withdrawal symptoms and had to get myself a quick one. So, I braved the early morning cold and lack of sleep to climb Bukit Tabur in Melawati with friends from my church.

There's just something about nature and the mountains that wakes me up. It helps me refocus when I feel all claustrophobic as life begins to squeeze its weight on me. There's only so much room in life to fit self in and still feel comfortable. So as self begins to grow out of proportion, some re-sizing is in order. What better way than to see for yourself how huge creation is and how small you are in comparison, how colourful nature is and how you pale in comparison? Nice to be small again!

Wow! Natural sciences just became philosophy in nature. If you didn't enjoy that thought, here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure.


Anonymous said...

In the event of withdrawal symtoms, its always nive to see and know that there is always a higher Being. A person who always in total control of what we are going thru. being able to feel small in His creation with all the breathtaking sceneary and much more, able to sip in all that He blesses with, always makes us feel good and able to climb up again.

huh...so much of philosophy. i do hope all of u can understand, because now i don't.

welcome back. and Blessed Christmas.

Jaya said...

always a pleasure to have you onboard KC. ;)

Raihan said...

of all the pictures that were posted up in your latest entry... the last one's the most interesting! LOL

talk about nature...

Jaya said...

hahaha...that's me being one with nature. ;)

Anonymous said...

it's near zoo negara actually.

Anonymous said...

hi sir..hows u doin? hope ur gud there..well intresting pic..hope one day i cud climb this place.n feel the beauty of nature in person...well sir wat happened to our timetable uh?wish u blated merry xmas sir..chiowz

Anonymous said...

it's near TAR college! ;)

Anonymous said...

yeap peiling, it's near TAR. :)

and hi puva. everyone's asking me about the timetable. sorry i don't have it either. i've been on leave so i don't really know the timetable yet. actually why don't you guys call the office and ask?

Jasper said...

Soooooo... This is what you've been up to ... Nice way to spend Christmas I suppose XD!

Hey Mr. J You main tipu ah! Is the first pic really from Bukit Tabur? I have been there n didn't see anything like that! ;|

and so said the 6foot+ Upstanding individual ( Masta J )

"There's only so much room in life to fit in and still feel comfortable."

Wishing you happy times Sir. And God Bless!

Jasper said...

Your testes are egg-shaped, because testes used to be ovaries before your gender was determined pre-birth.

All men started out with female sex organs until gender was specified. It explains a lot, eh?

We overcame adversity.


Anonymous said...

notice how misquoting by simply leaving out one word give a whole different meaning. ;) yes the first pic is from tabur jaspreet! and hey what's with the testes comment? where did that come from? always remember this, when you make an outstanding remark like that, make sure you're able to substantiate it with reference to established research on the subject. so can you?

Jasper said...

Very well1...

Reuters, 31st December 2006 - Due to an amazing new way of research newly developed by budding scientist Jaspreet Singh Kwatra of KDU college in Malaysia, Who single handedly visited Yahoo health and "in a fit of boredom", as he so eloquently describes, looked up the word testes and due to an infinite amount of luck came upon the writings of various scientists as to the actual formation of that particular part of male genitalia. Sir Dr. Jaspreet (18 yrs) is reported to have named this new from of research as 'Reading'. However he is still open to suggestions as to the naming of his breakthrough type of research. He however claims to have forgotten the actual names of the scientists involved in the writing of the article in question.
-more on page 6-

All.Nonsense.Daily - Malaysia

Anonymous said...

you know jaspreet, that's not enough. :) later (when you move on to tertiary studies) when you start writing serious stuff in scientific research, you must be able to quote reliable sources and without that you can't really substantiate your research. so you might as well learn that from now.

Jasper said...

LOL! Yeah i know Mr. J. Just having some fun! ;P

Hey at least it was a good try wasn't it? XD!

How very creative of me no?

Hey Mr. J. In which part of the bible can i find info on creationism?

Anonymous said...

yes very creative indeed!
about creationism, well you could start at genesis 1 and 2 where there's the account of God creating the world. in the new testament, john 1 gives the beginning as well and you can also look at romans 1:19 onwards. will you be able to look them up? you have a bible?

Jasper said...

I was going to borrow a friends but it didn't work out. Not many of my group members were happy with me using the bible so ...

Well ... you get the picture.

[ -_-"]

Anonymous said...

yeah...better discuss with the groups before you do anything. it is a group effort in many ways.