Monday, January 08, 2007


I thought I'd just post a welcome shout out to the new batch of students. So, all those from the new intake please leave your comment here so I know you've been able to access the blog. And those of you who have been around for a slightly longer time now do help the newbies out ok! Hope your A Level experience will be a pleasant one!
Oh and don't forget to drop by for the debate if you people don't have classes. ;)


PhD|.Kit said...

kit meng a.k.a mr basketball reporting for duty sir! i will work hard and try 2 break my past self record and pass bio during ur teaching sir!

Anonymous said...

hello, sir.
thank you for the welcome... :D

theres a debate? what debate, sir? when is it? I LOVE debates...hehehhe!...:D

im gonna go sleep now, dont wanna be late for classes due to the so-not-interesting + very very irritating morning bumper to bumper crawl!!! I was late today coz of that!...haiz..anyway,
see ya tomoro, sir!!


Anonymous said...

welcome on board. hey kit meng, we'll try and work together ok. and sakun, i skip those jams by leaving my house at 6.30 am every morning. ;)

ok details for the debate are as follows:
16/1/07 (306) and 17/1/07 (106) from 8am to 10am in G05.

Jasper said...

HEY! Heres my own personal shout out to all the A-Lvl newbies. Wow! It seems like just last year that i was one of you guys ... O.o

Brought to you by:-
Masta J. (Mr. Jaya)

And Make sure you guys come for the debate ya! Its going to be super funny! XD!
MonkeyMen Vs. Angel-esque


Jasper said...

Oh n BTW Cool J-PEG image man! SO BRIGHT!

Anonymous said...

haha... so now everyone knows bout the debate...

Sandiya said...

Hey hey!

Waa, ure dam canggih la, sir! Keep up the gud work! Leaving home at 6.30? I wake up 45 mins b4 class! Lol. Looking forward to ur lessons.

Sandiya =)

Anonymous said...

hey jaspreet, how come world of bio is brought to all by BOTH of us?

Anonymous said...

oh and hi sandiya! :)

Anonymous said...

hi sir, how r u?/ your blog is really interesting...

Anonymous said...

hey sir...
Kinda scrolled thru ur blog space. Lecturers r supposed to be lifeless n boring... But...
what happened to u? Hahaha...just kidding[btw, that was a compliment:)]. So...dropped by to say "hi". Looking forward to ur "history", "math", "physics" n hopefully "english literature" classes. Til then, bye for now!
~Li Via~

Jasper said...

Sir Im your loyal sidekick in the realm of Biology! XD!

Masta J And BioGuy!



Anonymous said...

newbies jaspreet is the most irritating guy u will ever meet .we all have to put up with him lol no hard feeling jas . im just jokin and yeah what world of bio brought to u by mr jaya and U . WHAT NONSENSE .

Anonymous said...

morning sir...
this is monica...
sorry for not attending class yesterday...
had a terrible headache...
cant afford to c the dr so no mc...
no letter 2 cuz not staying with parents nor do i have a guardian...

Anonymous said...

hi sundus, monica and li via. hey you'd actually be surprised at some of the things your lecturers do. ;) monica, don't get headaches too often ya. drink lots of water. and kaiz, don't start a war on my blog. if jaspreet wants to claim to be my sidekick, he'll have to prove his worth in class. yes jaspreet?

Anonymous said...

but it was a joke haha of course i wouldnt wana start a war .. i was bored thats all just wana erm tease jas a bit hes really lookin forward to ur debate though arent u jaspreet???? excited ? haha

Anonymous said...

hi kruznev here interesting blog want to watch my sis loose haha im pro evolution interesting blog lookin forward to the debate ....see ya

Jasper said...

A SuperHero always stands up for his sidekick. Just like Mr. J! ;)

Hey No hard feelins taken kayz! LOL!

Now to study for the debate ...

kruznev thinks we came from monkeys?
WHOA! XD! Sorry already in the debating mood ... ;P

Anonymous said...

hey sir...
Hmmm...maybe i underestimated lecturers=)...
And btw sir, you have a sidekick? That makes u a superhero,huh?
~Li Via~

-Shakthi D.C.- said...

hi... great blog really useful and informative links....sorry bout failing miserably on d 1st day...i just had to work for 4 years 2 earn d money 4 coll but i have lotsa hands on experience in d field...i love science just not seen much of it 4 sometime but now its kinda like dejavu its all comin bac 2 me...hopefully sooner than later...;p i aint gettin any will be burning the midnight oil if i must...thanks...from the ancient one-Shakthi

Anonymous said...

kruznev, you want to see your sis loose or lose? ;)
li via, this is more of a wannabe sidekick actually. so, nope, i ain't no superhero!
and welcome shakti. not to worry, as we go on you'll be able to refresh your memory.

btw, sorry for missing class today. i finally succumbed to the flu that has been nagging for the last week or so. will see you guys next week, all fresh and healthy...hopefully.

Anonymous said...

aiah mr jaya i accidentally typed it wrongly haha but i wana see my sis loooooooooooossssseeeeeee hahahaha

Jasper said...

The Masta(J) is so cool he don't need no sidekick!

So anyone hiring? Slightly over weight, scary looking, minimally experienced sidekick with excessive facial hair? Will work for A-Lvl grades.



Anonymous said...

i hate noobs, i hate debates, i hate to remember facts...
but i never regret taking bio...
me <3 mr. j!

Anonymous said...

hey shine you were a noob once too you know...
and guys quit with the compliments ain't gonna get you any extra marks for anything!

Anonymous said...

yeah teach u wouldnt believe it i actually got up to come for the bio class on friday the day u were on mc . i saw the messages that morining .while waiting for u to come to the class lol

Jasper said...

Haha! Shine , Shine ...

So 'bright' he cant hold a mirror up to himself.

If the flame burns bright, the flame burns out. And the flame of ego only burns its bearer.

All of pro were once noob and all noob will soon be pro. All of our base belong to the future.

-Jaspreet Singh Kwatra-

Anonymous said...

aiyoh kaiz, sorry for that. but next time check your messages first thing in the morning ya. ;)

Anonymous said...

hahaha teach its okay haha u wouldnt wana noe what happend after that .. i was sick with aterrible cold and guess what that morning i took the wrong medication ...i took the one that made me feel drowsy .. haha i had the perfect excuse to sleep during physics class.. and well maths class lolhahaha

Anonymous said...

sleeping during class? it was that bad huh?

Anonymous said...

hey sir...
I seriously studied the animal cells n plant cells before coming for today's class. So...will i get extra marks for the test on Friday? Ur such a helpful n kind lecturer. Obviously u'll give me some extra marks,right? Thanx a lot,yeah?=)
~Li Via~

Anonymous said...

li via, it was great to see you guys putting in the effort to make sure u knew the stuff i asked about. and yes, you obviously studied. but about the extra marks, remind me in class to tell you about what my mother used to tell me when i was younger. some of the others are probably smiling already cos they heard this story. ;)

PhD|.Kit said...

mr jaya! i lurve ur style of teaching! u dont diffrentiate ur students by their level of knowledge..!i feel the same standard as those who score A's in Bio ! haha..tht will motivate me to do better and i'll try my best !
-kit meng-

Anonymous said...

glad you're motivated kit meng. but remember, that motivation has to carry you through the whole 1 1/2 years ok! ;)

Jasper said...

LOL! Mr J is a superb storyteller! Lots of plot twists and suspense! ;)

Remember to ask him 'bout the bird and the wise man! Thats my fav! Vry philosophical.

Hey Kit! Stay strong man! Coz 'The' Masta is 'Your' Masta and he'll make sure 'You' Masta Bio!

Anonymous said...

hahaha...i have a feeling it's a huge "NO". But i'll see what i can do for the test. But pls pls pls have some mercy when setting the questions,k?
~Li Via~

Anonymous said...

like i told you in class, my other students seem to think that i lack mercy li via. :)
and jaspreet, what's with the heaps of praises? youo need something from me? ;) hahahaha!

Jasper said...

LOL! Nah not yet ... ;)

Although the A-lvls results were quite a shock! You should've seen the look on your face when i told you my grade! Priceless! XD!

Anonymous said...

Hey sir,
Thanx for having mounts of mercy when marking my paper. I know my answers were cacated n kindergarten-like but still u showed mercy. Very merciful of u,sir...
Btw, figured out da conversion thinggy(in ur little hole)yet?
~Li VIa~

Anonymous said...

hahah...i've been called mean, but never merciful. ;)
yeah i think i've figured out the conversion thingy already. my hole brightened up a lil upon finding out where i went wrong. hehe!

Jasper said...

Holes eh? How very intriguing ... ;)

Hey heres a joke ...

Proctologists(lower digestive tract doctors) refer to the anus (derrière in French) as the tunnel at the end of the light!



Masta J the Merciful .... At least it does have a nice ring to it no?

Anonymous said...

hole and anus? I'm too innocent to see the connection...
~Li Via~

Jasper said...

a connection that you made ... not me. :)

Vry innocent indeed! ;)

Anonymous said...

= P
~Li Via~

-Shakthi D.C.- said...

heyya teach,
d drawing thingy confusing la...not like drawing anything with straight lines is'nt already hard enough now we got a whole new level of chaos in our already pathetic drawing skills...
why do these ppl always have 2 twist things, dont they kno thts my job!!! darned scientists arggghhh!!!sorry teach just got a lil carried away with the whole drawing thingy.. we still think your d
"Masta J the Merciful"
"Mr Teach the Merciful"
thats good too...hmmm..your pick Mr. J ;p lol
PS: kaiz i guess we needn't sleep in class much longer ;p hopefully fingers crossed..