Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Cell Transport

Here are some of the websites that I promised for transport:



This is the one we had 'fun' with in class:

This would be helpful for revision:

This is for the pumps:

And this is for fun:


Jasper said...

Yay! 1st commnet!

Anonymous said...

eh...this post is for the march 07 group that never leaves a comment lah! i think they are like me...lurking around without leaving comments. :)

Jasper said...

Well there is only one way to solve that... 'Lead by example' as you used to say...


Anonymous said...

yeay! Mr Jaya left msges at sir-talk-a-lot! haha! *rasps at jaspreet* lol.

Anonymous said...

thats why, must comment...see march 07 are following your footsteps, sir! Why dont you start commenting in our blogs, that way, the march 07 group would comment in ur blog too...wanna try??lol..

i think jas and nadia would agree with me on this...yes, guys??

Jasper said...

Sir i feel so betrayed... u never leave comment for me oso...


aqilanazneen said...

sir. its AQILA NAZNEEN :) how you're doing? need some help actually. got this assignment. im confused with MOVEMENT OF CELLS and MECHANISM OF MOVEMENTS OF CELL. sorry to bother you with this. thanks in advance!

Jaya said...

hi aqila! what are you doing now and where? as for your question, you'll need to be a bit more specific than that for me to help you. what about mechanism of cell movement do you need to know?