Monday, August 06, 2007

Respiration galore!!!

Wasn't it just so much fun when we were looking at this topic in class today? ;)
(Ok all you who are cringing in your seats now, you have no choice but to share my enthusiasm!)
Since we 'enjoyed' it so much, I thought I'd put up some stuff on it.

(This is the summary of glycolysis that I showed you in class.)

(Here's a more detailed picture of how the electron transport chain works. Don't be afraid of the details ya.)

And finally, a summary of the whole respiration process:


Jasper said...

Heeeeey! I tot we did a practical today? (either that or that was some sh*t weed i smoked >;P)

See sir! More proof u 'anak-tirikan' us from the July intake!

\m/ >.< \m/

Anonymous said...

eh sibuk lah budak nie...i was talking to the jan and march intakes lah. :p
and btw, you're the only intake whose photo has become my wallpaper ok. so don't mengada!

Jasper said...


I KNOW u were talkin from the Jannies and the Marchies THAT is precisely why im here! ;P

Oh and btw of course you would use our intake as ur wallpaper... Its the only on with a really handsome bhai innit no? XP!

Magnus Bios Ultimatumnae!
\m/ >.< \m/

Anonymous said...

wall... paper... sir? hehe

=( i'm scared.

WeiLinz said...

Hahahaha~lolz....kena shoot...lolz....hahah luckily mr.jaya never saw wat i blogged~hahaa....i think he will faint~

Anonymous said...

actually jaspreet, it's the only one with a bhai innit(period)

nadia, takut apa? :)

and wei lin, i actually already visited your blog. and i'm still standing! ;) next time must ban camera phones in my classroom already.

Jasper said...

Aaaah and the last is not least no? :>

And the only choice is always the best. ;)

If you ban camera phones we'd just get our DSLRs in and start capturing EVEN MORE DETAIL! >;D


WeiLinz said...

mUahahaha~ban em?hmmm...this could cause controversy in the lasttime the banning of handphones in class~hahaha

Unknown said...

sir,cannot ban camera fon..
dat's the only fun in the class..
somemore u look nice in the photo wat...
n sir..
u really put our photo as ur wallpaper ah???
n v angry u coz the debate thingy..

Anonymous said...

wow! i sure caused a stir didnt i? ;)

WeiLinz said...

As always...of course...the Devil in disguise....

Nadia said...

sir, TODAY... thursday...

thats why i'm scared.

enough said. T_T

Anonymous said...

aiyoh wei lin...sampai hati kamu!

and nadia, yes i remember what today is. do know that all of you who are expecting results today are in my thoughts and prayers.

Jasper said...

LOL! just like Transformers...

Robots in disguise?


Mr. Jaya Would be a stretch limo...

Tallest Autobot anyone?

Anonymous said...

haha! No one spoke bout respiration and everyone who spoke aint frm jan or march intake!

u noe i hated enzymes ryte sir, come to think of it...respiration is far WORSE.... oh well, there aint much choices innit??
thanks for makin bio much much easier sir... :) Goodnight.

Anonymous said...

yeah, don't say i didn't warn you!