Thursday, October 18, 2007

Treacherous Nuang

Last Monday I went on what is my worse climbing trip to date. It was Gunung Nuang and it was said to be quite straight forward (those who have never heard of Gunung Nuang can go here). But what was supposed be a 10 hour climb, ended up being an 18 hour and 40 minute climb. We started climbing at 6.30am on Monday and came back down at about 2am Tuesday. The weather was wet and that made the terrain ruthless. We ended up hiking down in the dark for quite a big chunk of the time and that made finding the path even more difficult.

I thank God for the safety of all us who climbed that day everytime I think of the climb. My advice, Nuang's not for the faint-hearted and wobbly-legged, especially if it rains. ;)

The rivers

The flora (2nd, 4th and 5th photos by koksooaun)

The fauna (3rd and 4th photos by koksooaun)

The person (photo by koksooaun)

The peak (photo by koksooaun)


Anonymous said...

i like the pics =)looks beautiful

Jasper said...

DUDE! If i go on a trip wif you im gonna grab like 20 or 30 of those bugs man...
Keep em... Pets! >;D

Anonymous said...

well, my friend did catch the snake and bring it back in a yoghurt bottle. yes, alive! as for the bugs, they'll be happier where they are.

Jasper said...

Oooooo Ssssnake! Python? Boa? Tell!
Better yet! POST PICS! ;D

Anonymous said...

harlow...what did you think the last picture under fauna was lah? :p

Jasper said...

Hey friend from superly bad quality pic like that can tell one?
if i din know better id have said it was an eel.

Post MORE and BETTER/CLEARER pics laaa... since its wif ur fren all... and if possible include an object in the pic for size reference. eg. a shoe.

Haiyo fren understanding laa sikit... ppl curious ni... ;P

Anonymous said...

an ell on sand? jaspreet, if you're gonna say that, please don't tell people i taught you bio ok! banyak minta lah budak nie. :p

Jasper said...

Of course i will tell everyone! Sir you HAVE taught me well! Let me explain...

Forests have rivers. Moreover you were trekking up a mountain; source of all rivers are on high ground.

Rivers = somewhat sandy banks AND the presence of freshwater aquatic life (ells for example)


Knowing that:
a) You're a bio lecturer and,
b) you do have a somewhat evil/crue disposition

It could be that you might have taken the ell out of the water and onto the bank to study it out of curiosity and then taken a picture.

So sir you have taught me well. Don't doubt yourself. You're a very capable bio lecturer. >;)

Anonymous said...

what a reassurance! and being a biologist, i would never take the eel out like that to study it matter how evil my disposition is. :p

Jasper said...

Same way you didn't condone taking that snake out of its natural habitat? /;)

Anonymous said... exactly the same way. ;p

Unknown said...

u so bad la..
ppl all here suffering 4 the exam..
n u stil got the mood enjoying ther..
apalah lecturer ini???
suddenly feel very miss u la...
lik long long time din c u oledi...
u got miss us a??
u so free in the office...
y dun come 2 the examination hall find us???
v in 104 btw if u dunno...
come find us la...
v all so stress.........

Anonymous said... guys know that i prefer being in the class teaching than sitting in the office right? anyways, if you really miss me, don't lah wait for me to come to the examination hall. come and see me in the office lah. :)

Unknown said...

wat kind of lecturer is dis??
u said u dun lik sitting in the office..of course u r the 1 who come find us la....
dis is a good change 4 u 2 walk around instead of juz staying inside ur office.............

Jasper said...

Eh? I tot u've already moved to the third floor? Takkanlah wanna call you to come out saje-saje... not nice lah...

Anonymous said...

wah...since when my students so mengada wan ah? :p

Unknown said...

wat mengada la???
i'm serious la...
our sir not sayang us 1......

WeiLinz said...

I shall remain silent if any of these would be recorded and used against me in court....

Anonymous said...

hahah...that's what i mean by mengada li zi. ;)
and wei lin has taken the wise path.
btw, are we still going out after your exams? have you guys confirmed the time and venue or are you just too swamped with exams.

Unknown said...

u really juz show up a while in the examination hall..
i really shock juz now when i saw u ther...
bout dat hang out thingy...
i think stil go on la...
most probably on 21st nov(wed)...
r u free dat day???
dat's the important thing........

Anonymous said...

yeah so far i'm free on the 21st and i had to come in for invigilation lah. :p

Unknown said...

i ask every1 oledi..
they say 21st wanna hang out.....
but all ask wanna do wat dat day la..
u wanna belanja us 4 a mv???

Anonymous said...

harlow...belanja belanja all tak main ok. :p
but i dont mind a movie though.

Jasper said...

haha! Mr Jaya Belanja us! Can buy porsche all sure la can belanja frens/students oso... ;)

Sekali-sekala oni whaaat >;P

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

ya la...
dun so stingy la u...
v'r ur cutie students leh.....
so belanja us la..
u wanna watch wat mv???

Unknown said...

wat la sir..
so stingy la u......

Anonymous said...

harlow...there's 8 of you and 1 of me lah. my lecturer's wages aint enough ok! :p

WeiLinz said...

i didnt say anything i didnt say anything....hahahaha~~~~
i hav nothing to say....
sir...plz accept my condolences...coz u got such students...hahaha

Unknown said...

1stly u muz kno...
1 mv tickets 4 rm10...
n ther r 8 of us...
so total up it will b rm80...
n plus u..
it's juz rm90....
ur lecturer's wages sure la enuf....
most important v stil can use some of ur wages hang out at chilis...

Anonymous said...

hahah...yes yes wei lin. it's sad real sad. and thanks for the breakdown of cost li zi, but the answer is still no! :p

Unknown said...

so bad...
since dat u so free in ur little office...
u can use the time m think bout wher v should go on dat day n wat to do on dat day....
dis 1 no need spend ur $$ dun reject me oledi la...

Anonymous said...

if i think about it and decide then you people have no choice but to do what i decide on. deal?

Unknown said...

i dun dare promise u b4 asking them la...
later they kill me....
wat u wanna do 1st???

Anonymous said...

i dunno lah...if you let me decide i'll say go eat somewhere.

Unknown said...

u finish work at wat time????
so early go eat a?????
tot u say wanna watch mv???

Anonymous said...

i finish earliest at 4.30. i dont mind a movie but what movie and i said if it's left to me i'll choose just eat. if you all wanna watch movie i'll tag along. :)

Anonymous said...

Now thats my kinda fun! :) but dont think i can survive an 18 hour hike tho... LOL

Anonymous said...

i know what u mean sakun.

Unknown said...

i discuss wit them 1st la...
then i'll cal u 4 a comfirm....

Anonymous said...

Cikgu saya punya hike ngan Remy semua lagi hebat la!
we even got extorted in a stranded place u kno!
and while we were camping small insects and crabs were biting us everywhere!

Anonymous said...

and please tell me why being bitten by insects and crab lebih hebat? ;p