Friday, November 02, 2007

Verdict: Addict!

Signs and symptoms of addiction and abuse:
1) Withdrawal symptoms after reducing or stopping chronic drug use
2) Unable to stop using
3) Preoccupation with drug

Ecstasy I tell you! Sheer ecstasy! Lifted my spirit up so high that I had a smile conveniently plastered across my face, the kind that makes people think you've lost your marbles. "That felt great!" I exclaimed and continued smiling. I did not need anything else. Hunger and thirst was forgotten. My adrenal glands burst forth with a flush of adrenalin, keeping that smile fixed firmly from ear to ear.

But the way my body, mind and soul reacted to the 'fix' made me reflect, examine and confess..."My name is Jaya and I am an addict!" Have I been in denial all this while that I did not see this fall from grace? Or was I just indifferent that it did not occur to me? Now it makes sense. All of it. The restlessness, concentration problems and anxiety from the withdrawal, the refusal (more like the inability) to stop despite the fact that many parties have attempted to persuade me to quit and move on to 'better' things, and finally the debilitating preoccupation with this 'fix'.

It's confirmed! I am addicted to teaching! I came to this realisation yesterday, having delivered my first lecture since 2nd October which filled the heart with delight, pure delight.

But it's cold turkey again for me until the 26th of November.


Nadia said...

my goodness sir! that sounds serious! hahahahah, you need medical attention sir! a.k.a a holiday!

Anonymous said...

know any good doctors? ;)

WeiLinz said...

lolz...apa nih....
best go langkawi~~~

Unknown said...

i need a holiday too.......sad...

Anonymous said...

i'm getting a holiday! it's deepavali! *head bobbing*

Anonymous said...

u sound really hyper hehe =P

WeiLinz said...

yeah hor~~~then where is the muruku?got open house kar?we all go visit u~!!!

Anonymous said...

of course, hyper. it's holidays! :) and no muruku lah kawan. my grandma passed away recently remember?

WeiLinz said...

aih....sad case...then ar...ask ur mom to make it~~~~or go buy many kedai runcit!!!!

Jasper said...

Sir you scared me...

Not funny... a friend of mine is in juvenile hall because of Drug abuse... its no joke... he was a nice enuf guy... now... well...

Not funny.

Anonymous said...

yes sad case indeed!
and sorry i scared you jaspreet but that's life's reality. no it's not funny indeed.

Anonymous said...

hi sir. You may not remeber me. Im fathul aizat x-alsci march07. Hihi. Being here in KolejMara Banting doing IB has made me realize that there's no other bio teacher better than you. Keep on the good work sir. Salute!
-Fathul Aizat-

Anonymous said...

wow aizat! of course i remember you. u dont know how much i appreciate you still coming by to visit my blog and dropping a comment like that. :) you keeping well over there?

Anonymous said...

Lol...Lets have a class trip then with us jan 07 class!! heheh.... One nice happy family? =P

Jasper said...

Haha! Told you so MAsta J!

Anonymous said...

told me so? class trip? lips are sealed.

Jasper said...

Lot of words there coming from "sealed" lips no? ;P

Anonymous said...


Jasper said...


So sir... When are we going clubbing? U still owe me alot o' beers for all those favors i *haven't* done for you. >;D

Naw. But seriously. LIZZIE! Our class organizer supremo! Whats the story ppl? -.-""

Anonymous said...

jaspreet, did you just ask for a clubbing? come by my office and i'll oblige! :p

Nadia said...


what are you and the kids (yes jaspreet included) doing at one utama sir? celebrating the last day of a levels?

i was on my way watching beowulf that day. Didn't realize u can see me from far, tahu la you tinggi sir. =( im short.

Anonymous said...

me? the kids? one utama? *blur*
hahaha...hey, don't forget i've got bird's eye view from up here. ;p

Jasper said...


Perhaps birds eye indeed. Sorta like that mutant canary from Sesame Street. Wonder if it comes with a bird brain? >;P

Jasper said...

Woi! Im ady a head taller han you kay Ms. Dali!

So no kiddie buisness! -.-#