Friday, December 05, 2008

Debate fever!

To the 108 and 308 intakes, this is the post you've all been waiting for. Your debate topic is:

"This House Condemns Zoos."

Haha...not as dramatic as you expected it to be huh? Ok, so here are some of the links that I thought might just help you prepare. Feel free to use other resources but make sure all your facts are substantiated with evidence. All the best and happy preparing!


Anonymous said...

omg!! Tis is gona b boring... Xpected s0mtin m0re cOol!
Kinda disapp0inted...

Anonymous said...

hahah! debate again! :) all the best to all of ya.. oh and dont forget to have fun! hehehh

p/s : hi mr jaya ;)

Anonymous said...

hahah...interesting or not will depend on you guys. oh by the way, miss/mr anonymous, you'll have to introduce yourself. the rule in this blog is no anonymous comments. the next one will not be allowed.

hi sakun. :)

Anonymous said...

When is the debate, sir? I want to come and watch (if I'm still here, hehe).

Anonymous said...

oh i didnt mention the date here. it's on the 15th of january 2009. anyone and everyone will be welcomed!

*.*.* i s a b e l l e *.*.* said...

What does 'this house condemns the zoo' mean?

Anonymous said...

hi isabelle. it just means that the government is condemning zoos and the use of it while the opposition is supporting it. does that help?

*.*.* i s a b e l l e *.*.* said...

oh ok..i get it now.thank you

Anonymous said...

im hooooooooommmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeee sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you are? welcome back! when you coming kdu? ;)