Monday, January 25, 2010

Oxidative Phosphorylation Diagram

Here's the diagram for those who need to take a look before the performance tomorrow. ;)


Jasper said...

good ol' metabolism

you know we learn this same stuf but with about twice the detail

all the little inbetweenies in crebs cycle and what exactly are these hidrogen transporters and all the other doo-daa-ding-a-ling-thinga-ma-jiggies

Protip: dont throw your bio books away if ure gonna do meds

Puva said...

Hi sir, how r u doin? hope ur gud. Y no updates since jan? Guess wat sir, m still usin dis blog as part of my referrals ;P especially d pacemaker info was very useful. Hope ull keep updating ya.Tc sir bye for now.

Jaya said...

hey guys. nice to know you people still find this place useful. haven't been updating much because i've been bogged down with admin work lately. ok will try and revive my updating for your sakes. ;)