Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sample Preparation Technique for SEM

Parts of these videos are in French but I thought I'd still include these videos here just to give you an idea of what's involved in the sample preparation for electron microscopy. Enjoy!


M&Ms said...

hmmmm labby things :p
im just stalking your blog cos my data processing activity atm is frustrating me so much i feel like killing my data completely eventhough thats not possible.

p.s. its bout time you updated your blog! :p

sakun said...

ooOO... new design:) mr jaya.. completed 2nd year d! XD

Jaya said...

hey m&m, updating updating! :) why so frustrated lah?

congrats sakun!

MnMs said...

Cos its quite difficult and filled with uncertainties and no journals explicitly say what I want to know grr hopefully with get better data this week :) i find tissue eng relatively easy compared to data processing from some fancy thing you do with the models bleh. but enjoying it tho :)

Jaya said...

those last words are important. enjoying it makes a world of difference. :)

MnMs said...

yeah :)i'm hoping to impress my supervisors for future purposes :p

just got my results yesterday. i'm alright :) hehe

Jaya said...

hey congrats! :)