Thursday, November 29, 2007

Evolution is a proven fact!

Yes it's that time yet again! That's the topic for the class debate for the 107 and 307 intakes. The email has gone out informing all the Pre-U and Science Department lecturers about it. So you guys better prepare well ya.
For those who are wondering when and where it is, it's on Friday the 7th of December 2007 at 8.30am in lab G06. It's open to everyone and anyone!

For those debating, you can go here for some helpful links on both sides of the topic.

All the best ya!


Anonymous said...

Sir!! cant we be a lil bit more discrit about this debate thing? your inviting so many people.....scary la sir... what if the judges cant hear me, or the people? what if they get as irritated as mr george?! (lol) what if i forget what im supposed to say or what if i cant answer a POI, and what if they start laughing at too young for such an ordeal! :S *sobs*

I know, im being a lil too drama, but those are the possible situations i may have to endure,ynoe! Lol ;)

Jasper said...

*scratches beard....

I wonder which one am i...


Anonymous said...

it's too late to be discreet sakun. :)
and don't worry so much lah. it's all part and parcel of the whole learning experience. most of the time we feel pressured because we insist on getting things perfect the first time we do it. that's not quite how it works, no? so yes, you're being a lil too drama. ;)

Jasper said...

Righto Masta J!

So can i come? Pleeeeeaaasseeee???

Pretty please wif sugar n cherries?

Anonymous said...

eh...i said everyone and anyone didn't i? but in your case, you'll have to pass the security at the front gate first lah. you're no longer student remember?

Nadia said...

ooooooo... man, i gave in my student card ages ago. =( too bad

Jasper said...

haha too bad. The guard still recognizes me! ;P

Being South Asian Roxxor!

Anonymous said...

why r ya'll still having classes in december?? isnt A2 over? sir, why r torturing the students..

Shine said...

I still have my student card, but it's back in Malaysia. I want to go too =(

Anonymous said...

hey nice to see old names over here. :) how are things with you jo? i still get in touch with shine online once in a while.
yes it's december and these guys have classes till next week. and anyway, they only finished AS. only the july 06 group has finished everything.

Anonymous said...

i miss the debate time...sir...

Anonymous said...

:) the debate was awesome today. so well done ya!
and lizzie i'm quite sure these guys are feeling the same way you guys felt after your debate. ;)

Anonymous said...

sure they will....
very boring la the holiday......
ntg 2 do.........

Anonymous said...

Loved the debate,sir!Ive never been ssooooooo nervous in my life b4! Lol... shall cherish the momments..XD...oh btw, sir, do u have pictures of the debate??

Anonymous said...

boring leh the holidays. i always tell all my students. if you're bored, come look for me in the office. ;)
and yes i do have the pics for the debate sakun. you can get it from me.

Anonymous said...

i'm not dat lame la sir...
purposely drive from rawang to KDU juz to kacau u a while???
our "christmas socks" is ithanging on ur table now???

Anonymous said...

the stocking is with me at home now. i actually used it for one of my sunday school lessons. ;) thanks ya!

Anonymous said...

u use it 4 wat lesson?????

Anonymous said...

i used it to talk about the true meaning of Christmas. :)

Anonymous said...

how u use it???
wat u said bout it???
seem lik so interesting........

Anonymous said...

well i just put some gift boxes inside the stoking and talk about people giving gifts on Christmas day but forget the most important Gift who was given for us which is Christ.

Anonymous said...

wat la u...
it's lik saying us giving u a present n 4get bout christ......

Anonymous said...

Thats very much meaningful, but still sir, the presents in the socks still do make our days ynoe... even when im not a christian! btw, ive already hung a christmas socks in dad's room!XD

( he always does ends up putting sumthing in.. :) )

Anonymous said...

aiyoh lizzie that's not what i meant lah. giving presents is fine but most people think that that's all there is to Christmas. and no, just because you give gifts doesnt mean you've forgotten Christ lah. in fact, for those of us who do give, the reason is because of Christ. He gave first! :)
sakun, did your dad ever do the mr bean thing by putting another sock in the hanging one? ;p

Anonymous said...

OMgosh i just got the video from ghazal on my speech debate and damn i speaked awesomely~!hahaha
see cikgu im good at words =p

Anonymous said...

yeah now everyone can see how 'good' at words you are. *raised eyebrow*

Anonymous said...

no sir, he din do what mr bean did, now im wishing he never does! Lol...oh and i got my Christmas present :) told ya he'd put sumthing in :D